RUAL Documentation


This block is part of the Component UI group and was last modified in core v12.0.3.

Storage Selection Required

This block relies on a storage to perform its storage releated actions. You must manually select the storage you want to use in your flow using the storage selector modal. To access the modal, click the white button on the block.

datatable v12.0.3

A complete data table including filters, sorting, and searchbar.

Pin Pin Type Default
From which storage do you want the data to be loaded
Choose the columns you want to show
Search Fields
Fields that will be searched on in addition to the column fields
Choose the filters you want to expose to the user
Row Render
Accepts a function that returns a row
Query used as a base for the datatable
rows per page
Number of results per page in the table
number 30
infinite scroll
Will load new rows as soon as the last row is visible
condition system setting || false
Hide controls
Hides the datatable controls (filters button, search bar, pagination).
condition false
Hide Search Bar
Hides the datatable search bar.
condition false
Show reload button
If set to true, the reload button will be shown on the top of the datatable
Minimize filters
By default all filters will be visible, setting this to true will minimize the filters on datatable load.
condition false
Hide custom filter
If set to true, the custom filter button will be hidden in the datatable
Filter field search scope
The scope needed for searching through fields in datatable filters.
scope *public
Inline Edit
Columns that will be used for inline editing. Only basic text, number or date editing is allowed. For every advanced implementation an extra modal or page should be used.
Inline Edit Scope
The scope needed for inline editing.
scope *
Mass inline edit
Adds a button in the header, onclick will enable the inline edit for all the rows in that column
Remove scope
Exact scope the user needs to match with to be able to remove items within this datatable.
scope *
JSON scope
Scope the user needs to have to be able to view the JSON of a document, Admin is always allowed
scope *
Revisions scope
Scope the user needs to have to be able to view the revisions of a document, Admin is always allowed
scope *
Hide Checkbox
If set to true, the checkbox will be removed from the datatable
Hide Remove
If set to true, the remove button will be removed from the datatable, even for admins
Detail Button
If given, a detail button will show which runs the connected function on click.
Edit Button
If given, an edit button will show which runs the connected function on click.
Search Input Outlet
This makes it possible to prefill an input with the search result or update it via the blueprints when searching in a datatable
No results message
If value given, it will show that message when no results are found
value No results found
On change
Function will execute every time the content of the datatable changes (on search or on filter).
Show export
Choose the columns you want to show in the export
Quotes to use for the csv
value "
Delimiter to use for the csv
value ,
Export row render
Accepts a function that returns a row. Only used for the export
Pin Pin Type Example

Core Releases

v12.0.3 This block was introduced in v12.0.3, click here to see the release notes.
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