RUAL Documentation

System Settings

Utilizing System Settings for global management of configuration parameters.

Managing Central Configuration Parameters

System settings serve as a centralized method for globally managing cluster configuration parameters throughout the entire cluster. We have already established certain configuration parameters and provided documentation regarding their purpose and significance.

You can incorporate system settings within blueprints, either through static selections or dynamic values. Typical use cases for system settings include managing email tokens, establishing global reply-to addresses, or configuring global parameters for various system components.

Securing Values

We also offer the option to secure values. When you create a secure value, it remains concealed and is not directly visible when accessing system keys or reviewing them in overviews or blueprints. Any request to view a secured system setting is logged for audit trail purposes. This way, you can track who accessed which tokens, providing you with the ability to manage token access and revocation effectively.

Default Configuration Keys

By default, the following keys are predefined and can be modified to alter the behavior of the cluster.

Key Description
timezone Specifies the default timezone for the execution of date type blocks.
thousand_separator Determines the default separator used for formatting thousands in numbers.
decimal_separator Specifies the default separator used for formatting decimals in numbers.
language_user_enabled If set to true, the user's data will be used to determine their language preference.
language_query_enabled If set to true, the data from the query will be used to determine the user's language.
language_browser_enabled If set to true, the data from the supported language in the browser will be used to determine the user's language.
language_default Specifies the default language to use when the user's language cannot be determined or does not match a supported language.
input_datetime_format Defines the date format to be used in datetime inputs.
input_date_format Specifies the date format to be used in date inputs.
date_default_format Specifies the default date format used when rendering dates in the user interface.
default_divide_by Specifies the default number by which to divide pricing inputs, for example, 100 to store pricing fields in cents.
email_default_from Determines the default value to be used as the from address when sending emails.
messagebird_originator Specifies the default originator name used in MessageBird SMS for two-factor authentication (2FA).
postmark_token Determines the default server token to be used when sending password reset emails.