RUAL Documentation


When developing custom frontends or applications, leveraging existing cluster APIs can significantly streamline the development process. These APIs provide access to fundamental cluster logic that is utilized within the RUAL Studio and frontends, making it easier to integrate and work with essential functionalities.


Authentication is required for most of our APIs. You'll need to use the access_token provided after successful authentication to access these APIs. It's important to note that you cannot obtain the access_token directly within blueprints. Users must log in through the appropriate APIs within your application to obtain a token.

Token Expiry

In order to streamline the user experience, we have automated the token expiry process. By default, tokens are valid for 14 days and are automatically extended when actively used. When you make API requests, access pages, or interact with modals created in blueprints, we will automatically update the user's last activity, last token activity, and token expiry. To extend the token's validity, multiple requests need to be made using the token.

Public API Rate Limiting

Some of our APIs are public and come with default rate-limiting restrictions. These APIs have a default rate limit of 100 requests per second. It's not possible to modify the rate-limiting behavior for these APIs on a cluster level. However, if you encounter rate-limiting issues and cannot address them through conventional means, you have the option to build your own custom APIs within blueprinting to circumvent these limitations.

API Content-Type

When making requests to system or cluster APIs, it is crucial to include a Content-Type in your request headers. For most APIs, the Content-Type should be application/json. However, for File API endpoints, you should use multipart/form-data and specify Accept: application/json.

Adding Tokens to your requests

Once you have obtained an access_token through the appropriate APIs, you need to include this token in your request. You can achieve this in several ways, as outlined below:

  • In the header, you can pass the token as Authorization using the Bearer scheme.
  • In the header, you can pass the token as x-authtoken.
  • In the header, you can pass the token as x-token.
  • In the header, you can pass the token as a cookie with the name access_token.
  • In the URL, you can pass the token as ?access_token= in the query string.

Our API's

authentication Click here to learn more about our authentication endpoints. user Click here to learn more about our user endpoints.