RUAL Documentation

RUAL Core v10.4.28

Our platform operates on software, commonly known as core. This software can be run either locally within the cloud environment of Enterprise Customers or within our AWS cluster.

Modified or newly introduced blocks

In this release 2 blocks have been modified and 949 new blocks were introduced. You'll find a complete list of blocks at the bottom of this page.

Blocks introduced

!= condition returns true if the two values are not equal. !== condition checks whether its two operands are not equal !== condition returns true if the two numbers are not equal. !== false condition checks whether its operands are not equal to false !== true condition checks whether its operands are not equal to true % number Returns the remainder left over when one operand is divided by a second operand. + number Produces the sum of numeric operands. + float Produces the sum of float operands. - number Subtracts the two operands, producing their difference. - float Subtracts the two operands, producing their difference. 99 percentiles on field aggregation Calculates the 99th percentile for the specified numeric or date field. < condition null < condition returns true if the number is lower. <= condition returns true if the number is lower or equal. <= condition null == condition returns true if the two values are equal. === condition null === condition returns true if the two numbers are equal. === false condition returns true if the boolean is not true. === true condition returns true if the boolean is true. > condition null > condition returns true if the number is higher. >= condition null >= condition returns true if the number is higher or equal. >= and <= condition returns true if the numbers is between the two numbers. a* function Finds a path within a given grid. a* farthest point in route function null abs number static method returns the absolute value of a number action row discordcomponentconnection Returns a base action row (type 1). active uiclass null add assignees githubconnection null add file discordembedconnection Adds a file to the embed add labels githubconnection null add member tag mailchimpconnection add tag to a list member. add role discordconnection Add role to member. add shadow uiclass alert in shadow style add to array mutations push any given type to the array. add to bottom of array array Adds your given value to your given array. add to custom array mutations push any given type to the array. add to state array state Adds given value to the array on the frontend and triggers updates based of it. add to top of array array Adds your given value to your given array. add unique to array mutations push any given type to the array if it doesn't already exists. add unique to custom array mutations push any given type to the array if it doesn't already exists. agent httpconnection Returns the currently connected user agent. aggregation prod/sim funnel aggregation null and condition operator for a set of boolean operands will be true if and only if all the operands are true animate wave uiclass background in animate wave style append file Appends content to the given file area chart component Basic area chart array contains one of array condition null array includes condition determines whether an array includes a certain value among its entries array match include query Field array must include given value. array prod/sim funnel array null array should / or query One or all queries from array provided should match array based. array template array Generates an array using template actions. array with numbers array Creates a new array of given numbers. array with values array Creates a new array of given values. attributes stateformfieldconnection Overwrites attributes for given fields autofocus uiattributes Add autofocus to the element autoincrement number null avatar url discordconnection Get the avatar URL of a member. avg array Returns the avarage number in the given array of numbers. avg on field array returns the avarage number for the given field in the given array of objects. avg on field aggregation Calculates the average of numeric or date values for the specified field. background uistyle property sets the background color/image of an element. ban member discordconnection Bans member from your Discord server. bar chart component Basic bar chart bar chart component Basic bar chart barcode zpl null barcode component A barcode based on the bwip-js module barcode code-128 zpl null barcode field defaults zpl null base64 to file function Accepts a base64 string and returns a file basic alert component Basic bootstrap alert basic badge component Basic bootstrap badge basic card component Premade card with a header, body and a footer basic icon component Basic icon component basic popover component Basic bootstrap popover basic spinner component Animated loading icon. Bounces or spins basic table component Basic Table best match array returns an array of best matching values in this array of values. bind keys clickevent Will execute the selected function when the bound keys are pressed. It will not trigger when an input is focused. As soon as the element is not part of the DOM tree anymore the function will not be triggered. bind keys generalevent Will execute the selected function when the bound keys are pressed. It will not trigger when an input is focused. As soon as the element is not part of the DOM tree anymore the function will not be triggered. block uiclass give your button the button block style body component Card container body bold / b component Bold text border uistyle A shorthand property for all the border properties. bordered card uiclass normal bordered card br state A br element. branch branch null broadcast function Send a message across different sessions over a channel and event. These messages are on send and forget base and are not stored. bubble chart component Basic bubble chart button discordcomponentconnection Returns a base button (type 2). button component HTML button element button with icon component HTML button element calculate route google null calculate route google null cancel mollieconnection Cancels a mollie order. candlestick chart component Basic candlestick chart capitalize first letter value null card icon box state Shows a card with ribbon build-in. card with ribbon state Shows a card with ribbon build-in. cardinality aggregation Counts the approximate number of distinct values for the specified field. cast to array file Converts your given file to an array. cast to array mutations Converts your mutations to an array. cast to array value Converts the given value into an array. cast to array object Converts the given object to an array. cast to array fielddefinitions Converts fielddefinitions to array. cast to boolean value Converts the given value into a boolean. cast to date number Converts the given unix timestamp to a date. cast to fields array Converts your array to fielddefinitions cast to file array Converts your array to an file. cast to mutations array Converts your array to mutations. cast to number value Converts the given value into a number. cast to number date Converts date to number. cast to number object Converts the given object to a number. cast to object user Converts an user object type to an object type. cast to object query null cast to object value Converts the given value into an object. cast to query object Converts the given object to a query. cast to storage array Converts your array to storages cast to storage value Converts the given value into a storage. cast to user object Converts an object type to an user object type. cast to value date Converts date to value. cast to value object Converts the given object to a value. cast to value condition Converts condition to value (true/false). cast to value zpl null cast to value array Converts your array to an string. cast to value number Converts the given number into a value. ceil number Always rounds a number up to the next largest whole number or integer. change color to transparent file Updates a HEX color within the image to transparent cipheriv decrypt file Decrypts the given file using a specific algorithm and key for secure storage cipheriv decrypt value decrypting data cipheriv encrypt file Encrypts the given file using a specific algorithm and key for secure storage cipheriv encrypt value encrypting data class stateformfieldconnection Overwrites class for given fields clear active datatable filters state Sends a state update to the datatable to clear the active datatable filters. clear timer function Clears the given unique timeout or interval by ID. close connection function closes the discord connection and your bot will go offline. close connection function null close connection function Closes bot based on the connection. close connection function Closs the MSSQL connection. close connection sftp close sftp connection close connection function close ssh connection close modal inpinfunction Enables you to close a modal. close modal state Closes the first modal that is open. code element component null code input component Generates multiple inputs based on the given code length. It can further be specified to only allow numbers and to execute the on enter function after all inputs are filled color uistyle CSS property sets the foreground color value of an element their text and text decorations, and sets the value. color danger uiclass null color info uiclass null color light danger uiclass null color light info uiclass null color light success uiclass null color success uiclass null colspan uiattributes Set the colspan of the element column component Table column column component Bootstrap columns divide a row by 12. The given class defines how wide the column spans column chart component Basic column chart combine fielddefinitions Choose multiple fields to show data in e.g an datatable. compare two number Returns a score based of the similarity of two values. completions function Chat models take a list of messages as input and return a model-generated message as output. compute destination point geo Generates a new geo point from origin based on meters and bearing concat array Returns a joined array of two or more arrays. concatenate values value null condition prod/sim funnel condition null connect mailchimptransactionalconnection Creates a new mailchimp transactional connection. connect function Creates a new connection for mollie, allowing all kind of methods within the Mollie API. connect tikkie Creates an initial connection with the Tikkie API using your app token. connect function Creates a new connection for mailchimp, allowing all kind of methods within the Mailchimp API. container component null container component The bootstrap container sets the width based on the width of the clients browser. It should be used as a bootstrap row wrapper. The normal container has a limited width so may be centered on some browsers. For a full width alternative use the fluid container. container component basic card container convert to hex number Returns a hexadecimal based of the given number. convert to lowercase value null convert to uppercase value null copy to clipboard state Copies the given text to the users clipboard count on field aggregation Counts the occurrences of values in the specified numeric, date, or value field. count only query Return only the total number of documents found. count unique values array Returns the number of unique items for the given array of values. count unique values on field array Returns the number of unique items for the given field and its values. create twinfieldconnection generates a new invoice in the twinfield classic invoicing. create trigger Creates a new function that can be executed using the given name. create geo Generates a geo point based on the given latitude and longitude create function null create mollieconnection Creates a mollie shipment for a given order. create mollieconnection Creates a mollie order. create mollieconnection Creates a new mollie payment, this is where most of the implementations start off. create mollieconnection Create a customer in Mollie. create githubconnection null create comment githubconnection null create connection function null create domain postmarkaccountconnection Adds a new domain to the postmark account. create interval function Creates an interval to run the given function each time. create key function creates or updates a translate key by provided key, value and language create payment info payments null create paymentrequest tikkie Creates a payment request. create review githubconnection null create sender signature postmarkaccountconnection Adds a new sender signature to the postmark account. create sepa function null create timeout function Creates a timeout to run the given function in X seconds. create transaction transaction null create transactions from array transaction null create/update twinfieldconnection creates a new journal transaction or updates existing ones. See Twinfield Docs for a full description. current user user Returns the current logged-in user object as user-pin. current working directory sftp receive the current working directory which you are working in cursor uistyle sets the type of mouse cursor, if any, to show when the mouse pointer is over an element. custom uiattributes Sets a custom attribute of the element custom uiclass Custom class input custom uistyle Custom styling custom chart component Chart that can be completely customized custom delete tikkie A custom DELETE request. custom field query checks if the given custom field exists in a document. custom field object get the value of a custom field with a custom value block, or dynamic value custom field exists object check if custom field exists with a custom value block, or dynamic value custom get tikkie A custom GET request. custom html state Renders custom html. custom is empty state Checks if a custom field is empty. custom is not empty state Checks if a custom field is not empty. custom post tikkie A custom POST request. custom put tikkie A custom PUT request. custom text component Returns the text without an element wrapper if no attributes or outlet are set. If either one is set the text will be wrapped with a span custom upload file Use a custom provided file. danger uiclass spinner color in danger style danger uiclass alert in danger style danger uiclass button background in danger style danger wave uiclass background in danger wave style dark uiclass spinner color in dark style dark uiclass alert in dark style dark uiclass background in dark style dark uiclass button background in dark style darker danger uiclass spinner color in darker danger style darker primary uiclass spinner color in darker primary style darker success uiclass spinner color in darker success style datatable get selection state Returns the current datatable selection. datatable update selection state Updates the datatable selection. date component null date date Allowes you to give an custom date. E.G. 28/12/2020 16:15:33 date format query null date now date Gives you the current date based on your timezone. date prod/sim funnel date null day of month date Get date of month of given date. day of month date Set day of month of given date. day of week date Get day of week of given date. day of week date Set day of week of given date. day of week (iso) date null day of week (iso) date null day of week (locale) date Get day of the locale week of the given date. day of week (locale) date Set day of week of given date day of year date Get day of year of given date. day of year date Set day of year of given date. decode value takes a string representation of 1+ coordinate pairs and returns an array of lat, lon arrays. decrement by field mutations null decrement custom field mutations null decrement state state Sends a state update to the frontend and triggers updates based of it. deep-copy & update object object Makes a deep-copy of the given object, builds a new object filled with the given fields or mutations. This function has performance impact on wide-spread use. deep-copy object object Builds a new object from the given object, removing deep references. This function has performance impact on wide-spread use. defer reply discordinteractionconnection Defers the reply to this interaction. defer update discordinteractionconnection Defers update to this interaction. define condition Store this condition as reference, which can later be used by "use reference" define date Store this date as reference, which can later be used by "use reference" define mutations Store these mutations as reference, which can later be used by "use reference" define geo Store this geo_point as reference, which can later be used by "use reference" define discordconnection Store this discordconnection as reference, which can later be used by "use reference" define value Store this value as reference, which can later be used by "use reference" define array Store this array as reference, which can later be used by "use reference" define number Store this number as reference, which can later be used by "use reference" define query Store this query as reference, which can later be used by "use reference" define object Store this object as reference, which can later be used by "use reference" define user Store this user as reference, which can later be used by "use reference" define httpconnection Store this httpconnection as reference, which can later be used by "use reference" define reference date Allows you to define a reference for your date value, which can be used consistently throughout your blueprint. delay function generate a delay in seconds delete file Deletes the given files. delete mollieconnection Delete a customer in Mollie. delete discordconnection Deletes the channel. delete domain postmarkaccountconnection Deletes a domain in the postmark account. delete message discordconnection Deletes specific message. delete reference githubconnection null delete sender signature postmarkaccountconnection Deletes a sender signature in the postmark account. difference in days date The difference between 2 given dates in days. difference in hours date Difference between 2 given dates in hours. difference in minutes date Difference between 2 given dates in minutes. difference in seconds date Difference between 2 given dates in seconds. difference to mutations mutations generates an array of mutations of the different between two objects. dijkstra function null disable cache query Disables the storage cache in full for this query. Cache could be behind max. 5 seconds. display uistyle sets whether an element is treated as a block or inline element and the layout used for its children, such as flow layout, grid or flex. display block uistyle sets whether an element is treated as a block or inline element and the layout used for its children, such as flow layout, grid or flex (block). display flex uistyle sets whether an element is treated as a block or inline element and the layout used for its children, such as flow layout, grid or flex (flex). display inline uistyle sets whether an element is treated as a block or inline element and the layout used for its children, such as flow layout, grid or flex (inline). display inline block uistyle sets whether an element is treated as a block or inline element and the layout used for its children, such as flow layout, grid or flex (inline-block). display none uistyle sets whether an element is treated as a block or inline element and the layout used for its children, such as flow layout, grid or flex (none). display show uistyle sets whether an element is treated as a block or inline element and the layout used for its children, such as flow layout, grid or flex (show). div component Generic container for content double click clickevent Will execute event when element receives double-click. download ftpconnection null download file sftp download file via sftp duplicate item array Duplicates a given item of the array. dynamic storage storage define a storage using a dynamic value dynamic translate value Translates a dynamic key. edit discordconnection Edits the channels settings. edit domain postmarkaccountconnection Edits a domain in the postmark account. edit reply discordinteractionconnection Edits the reply to this interaction. edit sender signature postmarkaccountconnection Edits a sender signature in the postmark account. ekt parser function Parses an edifact ekt file and returns it as an object with headers and lines element event uicomponent An event that can be added to HTML elements. As soon as the element loads, the event will be triggered and a uicomponent can be returned else if elseif null elseif file If.. then.. else if.. default.. elseif array Conditional branching for arrays (if.. then.. else if.. then.. else if.. default..). elseif date Allowes you to use different dates based on your given conditions. elseif state Allows you to use different state UIs based on your given condition. elseif uiattributes Conditional branching for attributes (if.. then.. else if.. then.. else if.. default..). elseif query null elseif mutations null elseif number null elseif object null elseif value Conditional branching for values (if.. then.. else if.. then.. else if.. default..). embed discordembedconnection Add a full embed emojify value replaces all :emoji: with the actual emoji emphasized / em component Cursive text empty array Returns an empty array. empty object object null encode array Takes an array of lat, lon arrays and returns an encoded string. encode uri value Encodes a URI by replacing specific characters with URI safe characters. encode uri component value Encodes a URI by replacing specific characters with URI safe characters. end zpl null end writestream httpconnection Ends the current open stream with the client. ends with condition Determines whether a string ends with the characters of a specified string equal to field fieldvalidation null exec sshconnection null execute mssqlconnection Executes provided query on the MSSQL server. execute function Executes the given funcion and waits for it to be executed. execute function Executes the given funcion and waits for it to be executed. execute inpinfunction Enables you to choose a function that can be passed to other actions. execute in queue function Executes the given function on a given time using the queue and doesn't wait for it to be executed. execute inpin function function This can be used to dynamically call functions (for example from the frontend) execute modal inpinfunction Enables you to choose a modal to be executon as function. execute scope based inpinfunction Enables you to choose a function that can be passed to other actions. extra large 1 uiclass null extra large 10 uiclass null extra large 11 uiclass null extra large 12 uiclass null extra large 2 uiclass null extra large 3 uiclass null extra large 4 uiclass null extra large 5 uiclass null extra large 6 uiclass null extra large 7 uiclass null extra large 8 uiclass null extra large 9 uiclass null extra small 1 uiclass null extra small 10 uiclass null extra small 11 uiclass null extra small 12 uiclass null extra small 2 uiclass null extra small 3 uiclass null extra small 4 uiclass null extra small 5 uiclass null extra small 6 uiclass null extra small 7 uiclass null extra small 8 uiclass null extra small 9 uiclass null false condition Gives the condition false hard-coded field query checks if the given field exists in a document. Attention: Checking on a field which has > 1024 sub-fields can cause a too_many_clauses exception field < {value} query null field < {value} query null field <= {value} query null field <= {value} query null field > {value} query null field > {value} query null field >= {value} query null field >= {value} query null field between query null field data zpl null field reverse print zpl null field separator zpl null fields query null fields httpconnection Runs the given function per field for easier validation. By default it makes a field required. Function return values can be condition, value (error) fields exist object null file attributes sftp null file info file Gets basic file information. file input state Generates a file input. The field will be used as state key. file prod/sim funnel file null file type fieldvalidation null filter query Build a custom query using higher-level bool query. filter array Returns an array for each item that returns true on the executed function. filter by field value array Returns an array of all items not matching the given field and their value. filter empty array Returns an array of all non-empty items. Empty is defined as: null or undefined. find by field exists array Returns the matching objects of they include the given field. find by field not exists array Returns the matching objects of they not include the given field. find by key - multiple values array Returns the matching objects for the given key value pairs. find by key - value array Returns the matching objects for the given key value pair. find existing documents function returns array of existing and non-existing documents in a given storage from an array of objects. find nearest from given point object null flat map array Executes the provided function on every element in the array and returns as a flat array. float float Generates a valid float from the filled custom value in the blueprint. floor number Returns the largest integer less than or equal to a given number. flow prod/sim funnel env null fluid container component The bootstrap container sets the width based on the width of the clients browser. It should be used as a bootstrap row wrapper. The fluid container is a full width container. follow up discordinteractionconnection Follow up to this interaction. font zpl null font size uistyle Specifies the font size of text. font weight uistyle sets the weight (or boldness) of the font fontawesome icon uiclass Contains a list with fontawesome icon suggestions footer component Card container footer footer component Represents a footer element for the nearest sectioning content foreach function null foreach by group on field function null foreach on object function null form element component Basic HTML form element format date Format the given date, e.g., DD/MM/YYYY HH:mm format number value null format number language-sensitive value Enables language-sensitive number formatting. free lock function null from array fielddefinitions get one or multiple fields from an array. from emoticon value Replaces emoticons by emoji from now date Calculate the duration from the given date to the current time and represent it in a human-readable format. from object addressmollieconnection Creates a valid address object from a regular object. from object linesmollieconnection Creates a valid order line array from a regular array of objects. from object function null from object linesmollieconnection Creates a valid order line object from a regular object. from text stylesheet Creates a custom stylesheet based on the given text from value uiclass Generates a class type from the given value. function streaming soapconnection null function write array to file soapconnection Writes the incoming soap stream to a file. The selected key needs to be an array so the file can be streamed later on funnel funnel null generate from value file Generates a file from the given value. generate guid value null generate shortid value null geo chart component Basic geo chart get mollieconnection Gets all the information about a mollie payment. get githubconnection null get mollieconnection Retrieve a single order by its ID. get aggregation buckets array Returns aggregation buckets from the given array. get all twinfieldconnection gets all the offices available within the current verified user. get all attributes scraperconnection returns an array of given attribute of all matching elements. get at index scraperconnection returns matching element at index get at index mutations returns the index at which a given element can be found in the array, or -1 if it is not present get at index array returns the index at which a given element can be found in the array, or -1 if it is not present get attribute scraperconnection returns the attribute of the first element get base64 file Returns the base64 of the given file get bearing between points number Returns the initial bearing to travel along a geodesic between two points, using Vincenty inverse solution. get body httpconnection Returns the provided body as object, if the request method is POST or PUT. get channel id by name discordconnection Gets the channel ID by name. get connection user Returns an API connection for the current user get current user googleconnection null get custom field from user user get the value of a custom field using a custom value or dynamic values get distance number Returns the difference in meters between two geo points. get domain details postmarkaccountconnection gets all the details for a specific domain. get dynamic setting value get a setting key using a dynamic value get emoji value returns the emoji code for a given value get fields state Get given field(s) from the current UI state. get fields object Gets the selected fields from the given object. get fields user Gets the given fields from user data and returns this per data-pin. get file from assets file makes files from assets accessible in blueprints get first filled field object get the first filled field get first item array Get the first item from the array. get first mutation mutations get the first mutation. get form data state Retrieves the form data from the state. get guid user Returns the guid (field: _meta.guid) of the given user get guid object Returns the guid (field: _meta.guid) of the given object get ip user Returns the ip of the user currently browsing the page. It uses the connection so the user does not need to be logged in in order for the IP to be returned. get key state Get given key from the current UI state. get keys object null get labels githubconnection null get last item array Get the last item from the array. get last mutation mutations get the last mutation. get latest githubconnection null get length value value contains the length of the string in UTF-16 code units get list githubconnection null get lists mailchimpconnection get information about all lists in the account. get location googleconnection null get mapping function Returns the mapping of a given storage. get member by id discordconnection gives you the user data based on the Discord id get members discordconnection Get all members in given channel. get meta guids array Returns an array of values with _meta.guid's of each object in the given array. get multiple fielddefinitions get multiple existing fields. get multiple documents function Get multiple documents from the given storage. Skips documents that do not exist or removed. get name scraperconnection returns the node name get options discordinteractionconnection Get the options of an interaction. get params httpconnection Returns all params if present, params are optional or required parameters in API URIs, for example :name. get paymentrequests tikkie Get all payment requests. get paymentrequests tikkie Get all payment requests. get query httpconnection Returns all query items if present. Query items may be given in the URI like ?query=yes. get random item array Returns a random item from a array using crypto.randomInt. get real time data googleconnection null get reference githubconnection null get review googleconnection null get reviews githubconnection null get sender signature details postmarkaccountconnection gets all the details for a specific sender signature. get shortest distance function null get shortest path function null get shortest visiting path function null get single fielddefinitions use an existing field. get single dynamic fielddefinitions gets field using a value. get unixtimestamp number Get the Unix timestamp of the given date. get uploaded file state Get a recently uploaded file. The file is stored on a temp. dir, move it if you want to keep it. get user scopes httpconnection Returns the authenticated users scope. get values discordinteractionconnection Get the values of an interaction. get values object null get weighted random array Returns a random weighted item from the given array get weights function null go to ftpconnection null go to sftp null graphic box zpl null gray wave uiclass background in gray wave style group by array Groups the elements of the given array by a specified field. has emoji value validate if the library knows an emoji header component Introductory content header component Card container header headers httpconnection Returns all headers known to us in the HTTP request. heading h1 component Basic HTML h1 element heading h1 with translation component Basic HTML h1 element with a translation heading h2 component Basic HTML h2 element heading h2 with translation component Basic HTML h2 element with a translation heading h3 component Basic HTML h3 element heading h3 with translation component Basic HTML h3 element with a translation heading h4 component Basic HTML h4 element heading h4 with translation component Basic HTML h4 element with a translation heading h5 component Basic HTML h5 element heading h5 with translation component Basic HTML h5 element with a translation heading h6 component Basic HTML h6 element heading h6 with translation component Basic HTML h6 element with a translation height uistyle Sets the height of an element. highlight component null histogram component Basic histogram horizontal row component Basic HTML hr element host url user Returns the URL from the Host. hour date Set hour of given date. hour date Get hour of given date. html scraperconnection represents the html content of current element(s). hyperlink to page state A anchor element. icon value null id uiattributes Set the id of the element if file If.. then.. else.. if generalevent Condition use of events. if date Allows you to use different dates based on your given condition (true/false). if statedatatableconnection Conditional branching for datatable connection (if.. then.. else..) if state Allows you to use different state UIs based on your given condition. if value Conditional branching for arrays (if.. then.. else..). if zpl null if number null if uistyle Conditional branching for conditions (if.. then.. else..). if mutations use mutations X or Y based of a condition. if object null if query null if twinfield condition based splitting, in case of multiple twinfield connections are required in different situations. if uiattributes Conditional use of events. if mailchimp condition based splitting, in case of multiple mailchimp connections are required in different situations. if clickevent Conditional use of events. if inputevent Conditional use of events on this input. if aggregation Decides your aggregration based on the boolean you give. if array Conditional branching for arrays (if.. then.. else..). if uiclass Use classes based of a given condition. image zoom component Basic HTML image element with zoom include removed query Include removed documents in the matching results. include total hits query Include the total number of documents found besides the matching document count. includes condition Checks if the find string is included in the value string. includes - multi search value checks if one of the given strings is included in the primary string. increment by field mutations null increment custom field mutations null increment state state Sends a state update to the frontend and triggers updates based of it. index of value Finds the given value in its value. info uiclass spinner color in info style info uiclass alert in info style info uiclass background in info style info uiclass button background in info style info uiclass button background in outline info style inline css value null insert custom value Replaces the given strings by the given emoji internal video component Allows the user to embed an internal video. invert number Turns a positive number into a negative one and a negative into a positive is alphanumeric condition null is array condition null is array condition checks if given inpin is an array is authenticated httpconnection Returns true if the user is indeed authenticated. is boolean condition null is browser condition checks if client is on a browser is empty condition checks if value is filled is empty condition checks if number is filled is empty state Checks if the given field is empty. is empty condition checks if object is filled is empty condition checks if date is filled is empty condition checks if array is filled is loggedin user Returns true if currently a user is logged-in. is not empty condition checks if value is not filled is not empty condition checks if date is not filled is not empty state Checks if the given field is not empty. is not empty condition checks if array is not filled is not empty condition checks if number is not filled is not empty condition checks if object is not filled is number condition null is object condition null is on electron user Returns true if the user is an electron user. is on ipad user Returns true if the user is on an iPad. is on mobile user Returns true if the user is on mobile. is string condition null is this iso week condition null is this month condition null is this week condition null is this year condition null is today condition null is true state Checks if the given field is true. is user allowed to all scopes httpconnection Returns true if the authenticated user has wildcard (*) scope. is valid email condition Checks if email is valid and can receive mails is valid username condition Checks if username doesn't include weird characters italic / i component Cursive text item component List item item component null key -> value object null key -> value mutations null kick member discordconnection Kicks member from your Discord server. l33t decoder value null label component Basic HTML label element label home zpl null label translation component Basic HTML label element with a translation large uiclass button size large large 1 uiclass null large 10 uiclass null large 11 uiclass null large 12 uiclass null large 2 uiclass null large 3 uiclass null large 4 uiclass null large 5 uiclass null large 6 uiclass null large 7 uiclass null large 8 uiclass null large 9 uiclass null largest number Returns the largest number of all numbers provided. left align uiclass spinner color in left align style left click clickevent Will execute event when element receives left-mouse-click. length array Returns the total length of the given array. light uiclass alert in light style light danger uiclass button background in light danger style light dark uiclass button background in light dark style light primary uiclass button background in light primary style light success uiclass button background in light success style light warning uiclass button background in light warning style limit query Limit the search result, this does not work for streaming search on large storages. line chart component Basic line chart line chart component Basic line chart line stop flow Gives you the option to position lines better to have an nicer and a more cleanded up Blueprint. line stop document gives you the option to position lines better to have an nicer and a more cleanded up Blueprint. line stop discordconnection gives you the option to position lines better to have an nicer and a more cleanded up Blueprint. line stop storage gives you the option to position lines better to have an nicer and a more cleanded up Blueprint. line stop array gives you the option to position lines better to have an nicer and a more cleanded up Blueprint. line stop template gives you the option to position lines better to have an nicer and a more cleanded up Blueprint. line stop aggregation gives you the option to position lines better to have an nicer and a more cleanded up Blueprint. line stop object gives you the option to position lines better to have an nicer and a more cleanded up Blueprint. line stop file gives you the option to position lines better to have an nicer and a more cleanded up Blueprint. line stop condition gives you the option to position lines better to have an nicer and a more cleanded up Blueprint. line stop httpconnection gives you the option to position lines better to have an nicer and a more cleanded up Blueprint. line stop soapconnection gives you the option to position lines better to have an nicer and a more cleanded up Blueprint. line stop value gives you the option to position lines better to have an nicer and a more cleanded up Blueprint. line stop payments gives you the option to position lines better to have an nicer and a more cleanded up Blueprint. line stop date gives you the option to position lines better to have an nicer and a more cleanded up Blueprint. line stop number gives you the option to position lines better to have an nicer and a more cleanded up Blueprint. line stop query gives you the option to position lines better to have an nicer and a more cleanded up Blueprint. line stop mutations gives you the option to position lines better to have an nicer and a more cleanded up Blueprint. line stop user gives you the option to position lines better to have an nicer and a more cleanded up Blueprint. line stop transaction gives you the option to position lines better to have an nicer and a more cleanded up Blueprint. line stop zpl gives you the option to position lines better to have an nicer and a more cleanded up Blueprint. link-style uiclass button background in link style list mollieconnection Retrieve all enabled payment methods. list ftpconnection null list accounts googleconnection null list attributes googleconnection null list card state Shows a list card. list directories sftp null list domains postmarkaccountconnection gets a list of domains containing an overview of the domain and authentication status. list files sftp receive a list of files via sftp list media googleconnection null list references githubconnection null list reviews googleconnection null list sender signatures postmarkaccountconnection gets a list of sender signatures containing brief details associated with your account. list templates mailchimptransactionalconnection return a list of all the templates available to this user. list templates mailchimpconnection Get a list of an account's available templates. listen for thread messages function null locale compare value null lock or wait function Sets a lock or waits until the lock has been released. log function null log2 number Returns the base 2 logarithm of a number logout state Logs the user out. loop iterations function null make locale date Set the locale for the given date to the specified locale. make utc date Convert the given date to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). map component Basic Map map and parse array Takes an array with strings and parses every item. margin uistyle Sets all the margin properties in one declaration. match twinfieldconnection matches two twinfield transactions. See Twinfield Docs for a full description. match max on field array Returns all objects that have a number equal to or smaller than the given number match min on field array Returns all objects that have a number equal to or bigger than the given number matches ip user Checks if the current user matches the given ip. matrix code zpl null max array Returns the highest number in the given array of numbers. max uiattributes Set the maximum date within a date input max height uistyle sets the maximum height of an element. max length uiattributes Sets the max length for the user input. max on field aggregation Finds the maximum value for the specified numeric or date field. max on field array Returns the highest number for the given field in the given array of objects. max width uistyle sets the maximum width of an element. media component null median number null medium 1 uiclass null medium 10 uiclass null medium 11 uiclass null medium 12 uiclass null medium 2 uiclass null medium 3 uiclass null medium 4 uiclass null medium 5 uiclass null medium 6 uiclass null medium 7 uiclass null medium 8 uiclass null medium 9 uiclass null merge githubconnection null merge into array mutations combines two or mores arrays. merge objects object null method httpconnection Returns current HTTP method for this request (e.g. GET, POST, etc). middle click clickevent Will execute event when element receives middle-mouse-click. millisecond date Get millisecond of the date you have given. E.G current date. millisecond date Set millisecond of the date you have given. min uiattributes Set the minimum date within a date input min array Returns the lowest number in the given array of numbers. min length uiattributes Sets the minimum length for the user input. min on field array Returns the lowest number for the given field in the given array of objects. min on field aggregation Finds the minimum value for the specified numeric or date field. minus days date Minus an selected amount of days of your given date. minus hours date Minus an selected amount of hours of your given date minus minutes date Minus an selected amount of minutes of your given date. minus months date Minus an selected amount of months of your given date minus seconds date Minus an selected amount of seconds of your given date. minus weeks date Minus an selected amount of weeks of your given date. minus years date Minus a selected amount of years of your given date. minute date Set minute of given date. minute date Get minute of given date. mkdir sftp create folders via sftp mkdir & go to ftpconnection null mode number null modify message discordconnection Update an discord message. month date null month date Get the month of the year of the given date. move file Moves the given files to a new destination. move documents function Moves documents from one storage to another. Moved documents can still be found in the old storage (removed and with expiry) for 36 hours move to public file Moves the given files to a new public destination. multiple discordembedconnection Combine multiple multiple file Merge an array of files together. multiple inputevent Chain multiple elements to be used on this input. multiple statedatatableconnection Combine multiple datatable connections multiple stateformfieldconnection null multiple zpl null multiple discordcomponentconnection Combine multiple multiple fieldvalidation Use multiple custom validations. multiple fieldvalidation null multiple mutations combine multiple mutations into one. multiple query null multiple uiattributes Combines multiple attributes multiple linesmollieconnection Combines multiple lines. multiple clickevent Chain multiple click events to a single element. multiple generalevent Chain multiple elements to be used on this element. multiple uiclass Combine multiple classes multiple uistyle Multiple styling multiple aggs aggregation This block allows you to use multiple aggregations in your query. multiple payments payments null must query All queries provided must match. must not query All queries provided must not match. mutations prod/sim funnel mutations null nav component Section providing navigation links nearby search google search within Google Places for nearby points of interest. new modal state Builds a custom modal new object object Builds a new object filled with the given fields. new page state Allowes you to create a dynamic web page on the given URL. new tab state Opens a new tab with the given url. newline component Break line will cause the element behind to go into the next line newline (linux/mac) value Will return a linux / mac EOL character (\n) newline (windows) value Will return a windows EOL character (\r\n) normalize value Returns the Unicode Normalization Form of the string. not includes condition Checks if the find string is not included in the value string. notice style uiclass alert in notice style number number Generates a valid number from the filled custom value in the blueprint. number component null number padding number Pads the given number with char. to match the given length. number prod/sim funnel number null object from mutations object Builds a new object filled with the given fields. object prod/sim funnel object null objects with fields array Create multiple objects inside an array offset query Start document search with an offset of.. oki file printer function null on api file upload on Exposes URI on /api/. Accepts a multipart/form-data POST request and saves the attached file. on blur inputevent Will execute when the input loses focus. on change inputevent Will execute when the input has changed, after blur. on enter inputevent Will execute when the input received enter keydown. on guild add discordconnection Triggers the given function by every joined preson on guild remove discordconnection Triggers the given function by every person that leaves the server. on interaction discordconnection Triggers the given function by every interaction on keyup inputevent Will execute when the input received any keyup. on message create discordconnection Triggers the given function by every message (in selected channel or all channels) on message delete discordconnection Triggers the given function by every message deleted (in selected channel or all channels) on message updated discordconnection Triggers the given function by every message updated (in selected channel or all channels) on mouseenter generalevent Will execute when mouse enters element or window. on mouseleave generalevent Will execute when mouse leaves element or window. on startup system create a thread on startup on visible generalevent Will execute the selected function when the attached element is visible. on voice join discordconnection Triggers function when someone joins any voice channel. on voice leave discordconnection Triggers function when someone leaves any voice channel. one day number Returns one day in seconds as a number. one hour number Returns one hour in seconds as a number. one minute number Returns one minute in seconds as a number. opacity uistyle Opacity is the degree to which content behind an element is hidden, and is the opposite of transparency. open connection function Opens bot based connection on your given token. open connection function null open connection function Opens Apple Push Notifications connection open connection function Opens an AWS connection for use with further AWS functions. open connection function null open connection ippconnection null open connection function open ssh connection open connection function Opens bot based on the connection connection of your given token. open connection function Opens a MSSQL connection. open connection postmarkaccountconnection Opens a new postmark account connection using the given account token. open connection androidconnection Opens Android Push Notifications connection open connection sftp open sftp connection open connection function Connects using oAuth 2.0 with your secured Twinfield environment. open connection function null open connection with jwt googlejwtconnection null open modal function Opens the given modal within the current spark / state page. or condition operator for a set of operands is true if and only if one or more of its operands is true ordered component Ordered list outline danger uiclass button background in outline danger style outline dark uiclass button background in outline dark style outline primary uiclass button background in outline primary style outline secondary uiclass button background in outline secondary style outline success uiclass button background in outline success style outline warning uiclass button background in outline warning style pad end value Pads the end of the current string with another string (multiple times, if needed) until the resulting string reaches the given length. padding uistyle A shorthand property for all the padding-* properties. paragraph component Paragraph element, will start text on a new line (paragraph) paragraph component null paragraph with translation component Paragraph element with a translation, will start text on a new line (paragraph) parallel parallel null parameters object pass values into a blueprint through the page block parse value Converts a JSON in text format to a data structure that can be used inside functions. parse mt940 function Parse a MT940 defined XML file into an array of statements. parsefloat number null parsefloat float null parseint number null parser value null payments prod/sim funnel payments null pbkdf2 value null pearson correlation number Returns the square root of a given positive number. percentage number Calculates the percentage between two numbers. percentiles on field aggregation Calculates percentiles for the specified numeric or date field. picture component Basic HTML picture element pie chart component Basic pie chart pie chart component Basic pie chart placeholder uiattributes Set the placeholder of the element plain code (advanced) zpl uses plain text as command play audio state Plays the given audio file in the users browser plus days date Plus an selected amount of days to your given date. plus hours date Plus an selected amount of hours to your given date. plus minutes date Plus an selected amount of minutes to your given date. plus months date Plus an selected amount of years to your given date. plus seconds date Plus an selected amount of seconds to your given date. plus weeks date Plus an selected amount of weeks to your given date. plus years date Plus an selected amount of years to your given date. point in radius condition Check to see if an given geo-point is in the circle. polygon query null position zpl null position uistyle Specifies the top/bottom/left/right position of a positioned element. position absolute uistyle Specifies the type of positioning method used for an element (absolute). position fixed uistyle Specifies the type of positioning method used for an element (fixed). position relative uistyle Specifies the type of positioning method used for an element (relative). position static uistyle Specifies the type of positioning method used for an element (static). pow number Returns the base to the exponent power pre element component null primary uiclass spinner color in primary style primary uiclass background in primary style primary uiclass alert in primary style primary uiclass button background in primary style primary wave uiclass background in primary wave style print pdf ippconnection null print quantity zpl null print rate zpl null publish googlejwtconnection null publishing status googlejwtconnection null purge messages discordconnection Removes the amount of messages you have given of selected channel (max 100) qr auth component QR Code containing URL to login page, used to login via a mobile device qr code value A basic QR code. qr code component A qr code generate with the node-qrcode module qr scanner component A basic QR code scanner that uses video input quarter date null quarter date Set quarter of given date. query object pass values into a blueprint via the URL, e.g: ?search=test behind the URL. "search" will be the field and test is the value query prod/sim funnel query null query string query null radio buttons component Generates buttons based on the objects in a given array. Will set a field to a given value on click. random value returns a random emoji random between number Generates a random number between, including, the given two numbers. This number will be an integer (e.g. 1, 2, 3) without decimals. random bytes value null random number number Generates a random number. range array Generates a new array based on the given start and end numbers. range chart component Basic range chart read twinfieldconnection reads a given journal transaction from twinfield. read twinfieldconnection reads the sales invoice of supplied invoice type and invoice number. redirect inpinfunction When executed moves the user into the new given page. redirect state Sends the user to the given page directly. redirect httpconnection Updates the connection to a new endpoint if the client allows following redirects. redirect to page httpconnection Updates the connection to a new endpoint if the client allows following redirects. redirect to page state Sends the user to the selected page. redirect to page inpinfunction When executed moves the user into the new given page. reduce function null refresh datatable state Sends a state update to the datatable to refresh their data. refresh page state Refreshes the current page directly. remote ip httpconnection Returns the currently connected user IP. remove ftpconnection null remove sftp remove a file via sftp remove assignees githubconnection null remove custom field mutations null remove duplicates array Removes duplicate values from an array. remove fields mutations null remove fields from object remove one or multiple fields existing in the object, and only pass the remaining values remove from array mutations null remove from custom array mutations null remove from queue function Removes the given queue item from the active queue. remove from state array state Removes given value from the array on the frontend and triggers updates based of it. remove label githubconnection null remove member tag mailchimpconnection remove tag from a list member. remove review reply googleconnection null remove role discordconnection Remove role from member. remove special chars value Returns the value without special charactors rename file Renames the given files. render state Sends the combined HTML to the frontend and renders the page into React components. render template mailchimptransactionalconnection Inject content and optionally merge fields into a template, returning the HTML that results. repeat value This method constructs and returns a new string which contains the specified number of copies of the string on which it was called, concatenated together. repeating event schedule function will rerun by the giving date replace value null reply discordinteractionconnection Reply to this interaction. reply in jsonp httpconnection null reply in text httpconnection reply a http connection with text reply message discordconnection Reply to a specific message. reply to a review googleconnection null required if other fields empty fieldvalidation null rerender state state Sends all previously non-processed state updates to the UI directly without waiting for further updates. resend sender signature confirmation postmarkaccountconnection Resends the sender signature confirmation. return function Returns the added custom pins as data-pins on the function execute. return array function returns the given array return boolean function returns the given condition return date function returns the given date

Blocks modified

attach to document function null datatable component A complete data table including filters, sorting, and searchbar.

Blocks deprecated

add to array function null alert color uiclass Contains a list of all possible bootstrap alert colors badge color uiclass Contains a list of all possible bootstrap badge colors batch in queue function Executes the given array in batches in the queue. button regular color uiclass Contains a list of all possible bootstrap button colors by field data query null cast to state array Converts array of values to state. close & clear modal state Sends a state update to close and clear the state data of the modal. close modal state Sends a state update to close the given modal column width uiclass Contains a list of all possible bootstrap column widths event event null execute on connection function null execute on connection function null first defined number Gets the value of the first defined in pin first defined object Gets the value of the first defined in pin first defined array Gets the value of the first defined in pin first defined value Gets the value of the first defined in pin first defined query Gets the value of the first defined in pin first defined date Gets the value of the first defined in pin first defined condition Gets the value of the first defined in pin first defined content Gets the content of the first defined in pin first defined styling Gets the value of the first defined in pin first defined user Gets the value of the first defined in pin get array variable array null get condition variable condition null get key value null get mutations variable mutations null get number variable number null get object variable object null get user variable user null get value variable value null get variable user null get variable number null get variable value null get variable mutations null get variable array null get variable condition null get variable value null get variable object null get variable object null invert condition null is empty condition null is not empty condition null merge into array variable function null object object null parse object null postmark email event email null push to mutations function null qr code state A basic QR code.