RUAL Documentation

RUAL Library

Custom Components have the ability to request specific JavaScript functions from the RUAL library. This page is dedicated to documenting the functions that are directly accessible, along with scenarios in which they might prove beneficial.

How to Use

Accessing RUAL Library functions is straightforward using window.RUAL. You can then spread the functions from the Library into your component. See the example provided below for guidance.

const { runBlueprintFunction } = window.RUAL; export default function CustomButtonComponent ({ onclick }) { function triggerFunction () { runBlueprintFunction(onclick, { 'value': 'custom-value' }); } return ( <button onClick={ triggerFunction } >Click me</button> ); }

List of Functions

Below is a list of functions available from the RUAL library for use within any Custom Component:

Call Params Description
globalState Class This function exposes the globalState along with its functions. Below is a list of functions related to globalState.
globalState.set key, newValue Sets a new value for the specified global key, updating the backend and refreshing the relevant pins and components.
useGlobalState defaultValue, globalKey, uid Enables the use of a global state key within your Custom Component. The return value functions similarly to React's useState.
translate key Attempts to translate the specified key using the currently active language.
fetchJS uid, hash Retrieves fresh JavaScript data from the backend using the supplied hash. This function is typically used internally.
ws Class Exposes the WebSocket and its functions. Below is a list of functions related to ws.
ws.request method, uri, options as { body, query } Performs the specified request to the backend, enabling API execution within the Custom Component. Returns a Promise.
settings Object Provides globally available RUAL settings, such as timezone and other relevant rendering information.
fetchComponent componentFile Returns a valid cached React Component for use, given a path to the static custom component. This is mainly used in iterative contexts like Advanced Datatables.
utils.getDeepvalue data, key, defaultValue Accesses the specified key within an object and returns the defaultValue if it is not found.