RUAL Core v13.0.8
Our platform operates on software, commonly known as core
. This software can be run either locally within the cloud environment of Enterprise Customers or within our AWS cluster.
Modified or newly introduced blocks
In this release 11 blocks have been modified and 50 new blocks were introduced. You'll find a complete list of blocks at the bottom of this page.
Blocks introduced
add multiple unique to arraymutations
pushes all values that do not exist yet inside of the array to the given field.
autocomplete multiple values state
Generates auto-complete select searching a storage and filling the state with the search-key. The field will be used as state key.
autocomplete single value state
Generates auto-complete select searching a storage and filling the state with the search-key. The field will be used as state key.
bounding box query
Matches geo_point values that intersect a bounding box
build pdf from page file
Generates a PDF based on a given page. It is possible to fill the header or footer of the PDF by using the #pdf-header or #pdf-footer IDs.
by compare key array
Merge array increment by deep key
cast to floridayconnection object
Converts the given object to a floridayconnection.
cast to object floridayconnection
Casts the connection to an object. This allows caching and generating custom connections.
convert to date date
Parse string to date.
create user function
create a new user in your cluster
decode function
Decodes the given json web token and returns the payload. Unverified JWTs should be treated with caution and viewed the same as other user input
distance query
checks if the given fields is within the given distance.
divide by field array
Returns an array with each item divided for the provided key
execute scene aqaraconnection
With this block you can execute a scene.
filter removed array
Filters out all removed documents.
generate random in radius geo
Generates a random geo point based on the given radius
get cache json key function
gets the key and returns true
or false
based of its existence, makes it easier for cache-management in flows
get device attribute value aqaraconnection
With this block you can update a attribute of an device.
get device attributes aqaraconnection
With this block you can request all the attributes for an device.
get device information aqaraconnection
With this block you can request information about an device.
get first filled array
will return the second
array if the first
is empty.
get first filled object
will return the second
object if the first
is empty.
get my devices aqaraconnection
With this block you can request an array containing the information of all your devices.
get my scenes aqaraconnection
With this block you can search all the scenes in your account.
get timezone date
Returns the timezone of the given date
index of array
Get the index of the given value, -1 if not found.
logical or date
will return the second
date if the first
is empty.
logical or number
will return the second
number if the first
is empty.
logical or value
will return the second
value if the first
is empty.
max number
Return the largest of the numbers given as input parameters
min number
Return the smallest of the numbers given as input parameters
multiply by field array
Returns an array with each item multiplied for the provided key
open connection aqaraconnection
This interface is used to open a connection to the Aqara service.
refresh access token aqaraconnection
With this block you can refresh an access token.
remove at index array
Removes the item with the given index.
remove multiple indexes array
Removes the items with the given indexes.
request auth code aqaraconnection
With this block you can request a authorization code.
request: head function
The HEAD HTTP method requests the metadata of a resource in the form of headers that the server would have sent if the GET method was used instead.
send simple notification androidconnection
Sends simple notification with basic options
set json function
Set key to hold the string value. If key already holds a value, it is overwritten, regardless of its type.
split value
takes a pattern and divides this string into an ordered list of substrings by searching for the pattern, puts these substrings into an array, and returns the array
split csv file
Splits a CSV file into multiple smaller files.
update device attribute aqaraconnection
With this block you can update a attribute of an device.
update device name aqaraconnection
With this block you can update the name of a device.
update multiple device attributes aqaraconnection
With this block you can update multiple attributes of an device.
verify auth code aqaraconnection
With this block you can verify a authorization code.
verify notification function
Verifies the given app notification based on the apple app store server json web token
verify purchase androidconnection
Verifies an in app purchase
verify purchase function
Verifies the given transaction based on the apple app store server json web token
verify transaction function
Verifies the given app transaction based on the apple app store server json web token
Blocks modified
add filemutations
adds the given file(s) to the existing files
advanced datatable state
A pre-styled advanced table showing data using advanced tooling
connect as customer function
Creates an initial connection with the Floriday customer API using your API key.
connect as supplier function
Creates an initial connection with the Floriday supplier API using your API key.
datatable state
A styled table made to display a lot of data using pagination.
dynamic select state
Generates a basic select with a dynamic field. The field will be used as state key.
form rows from fields state
Generates rows with the given fields. The fields will be used as state keys.
price input state
Generates a price input. The field will be used as state key.
remove document function
Removes the given document from the given storage.
select state
Generates a basic select. The field will be used as state key.
update multiple documents function
Updates multiple documents in the given storage