RUAL Documentation

advanced datatable

This block is part of the state ui group and was last modified in core v13.0.6.

Storage Selection Required

This block relies on a storage to perform its storage releated actions. You must manually select the storage you want to use in your flow using the storage selector modal. To access the modal, click the white button on the block.

advanced datatable v13.0.1

A pre-styled advanced table showing data using advanced tooling

Pin Pin Type Default
state key
The state to bind the datatable to. If it is updated, the component will re-render
Choose the columns you want to show
overwrite column titles
Overwrite the title of a specific column.
columns width
Choose the widths of the columns in percentage, expects array of numbers. e.g. 5 for 5% in width.
array 100%
columns sortable
Choose which columns can be sorted, by default we will not do any sortable fields
overwrite column sort field
Overwrite which field will be sorted on column sort. With this function it is possible to sort on non existing columns / fields that are made up by combining multiple different values or are returned by the row render.
columns filterable
Choose which columns can be filtered, by default we will not do any filterable fields
search fields
Fields that will be searched on in addition to the column fields
return fields
Fields that will be returned during the search. Should be set if the data sent to the frontend should be limited due to confidential fields.
fielddefinitions *
row actions
Actions that are specific to the row like edit, detail, json, revision or inline edit
Query used as a base for the datatable
rows per page
Number of results per page in the table
number 30
rows per page options
Options to show in the dropdown at the bottom right
array 10, 30, 50, 100
Adds filtering to the datatable
Assigns a CSS class to the element.
Applies inline CSS style to the element
Adds custom attributes to the element.
Pin Pin Type Example
Returns the element to the frontend state.
Map Row
The function will be executed for each row and state pins can be returned to overwrite whats visible.
Row Component
The component will be executed for every row and replace the default values and columns. A tr should be returned. The available parameters are columns, row and index.

Core Releases

v13.0.1 This block was introduced in v13.0.1, click here to see the release notes. v13.0.6 This block was last modified in v13.0.6, click here to see the release notes.
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