RUAL Documentation

RUAL Core v13.0.5

Our platform operates on software, commonly known as core. This software can be run either locally within the cloud environment of Enterprise Customers or within our AWS cluster.

Modified or newly introduced blocks

In this release 8 blocks have been modified and 28 new blocks were introduced. You'll find a complete list of blocks at the bottom of this page.

as changes

The user signin as functionality now exclusively functions for accounts that have the allow_login_as_user setting enabled within their settings.

New Features and Enhancements

UI and State Management Improvements:

New Blocks and Functionalities:

Security and Session Management:

  • Improved user permission management and session tokens.
  • Limited function_user_signin_as usage, it now can only be used when a user account has allow signin as enabled.
  • Enhanced login and 2FA security layers to comply with the latest security standards.
  • Resolved TOO_MANY_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS error handling causing weird behaviour on some custom logins.

API and Data Handling:

Performance and Stability Enhancements:

  • Improved browser sandbox stability when working with blocks utilizing puppeteer, making sure it always closes nicely regardless of the page crashes or not.
  • Optimized default routing timeout so it now nicely time's out again.
  • Enhanced simulation values for function_create_documents as these were missing.
  • Utilized official prometheus client for metrics for our Cluster Metric APIs.
  • Improved broadcasting logic and introduced new block current_websocket_id.

Bug Fixes

UI and Component Fixes:

  • Fixed state_input_price not being completely disabled when using disabled attributes.
  • Corrected query fields for state_autocomplete_single_field.
  • Addressed .settings modification issue for users when using the update_multiple_documents block.
  • Resolved encrypted password & salt exposure on the login endpoint.
  • Fixed WS connection crash when receiving invalid data (thread level)

State and Data Handling Fixes:

Performance and Reliability Fixes:

  • Fixed puppeteer keeping open browsers when a page crashed.
  • Resolved WS and query performance issues.
  • Enhanced error handling in state_input_date and similair blocks.

Additional Updates

Documentation and Usability Improvements:

Configuration and Deployment:

  • Added language forcing to state-v2 endpoints.
  • Introduced some config changes.

Blocks introduced

active id value retrieve the unique active websocket id build xls/x file Generates a xls / xlsx file. convert to webp function Convert any image to webp format, this may can take multiple seconds custom autofocus uiattributes Every time the element loses focus it will be focused again on keydown. disable request body log httpconnection Disables the logging of the request body if it has been previously enabled disable response body log httpconnection Disables the logging of the response body if it has been previously enabled disabled uiattributes Sets the disabled attribute enable request body log httpconnection Enables the logging of the request body enable response body log httpconnection Enables the logging of the response body get data file Retrieve the contents of the given file go back state Causes the browser to move back one page in the session history. go forward state Causes the browser to move forward one page in the session history. has scope user Checks if the current logged-in user matches the given scopes. parse xls/x file Parses a xls / xlsx file. parse xls/x to array file Parses a xls / xlsx file and returns the first worksheet as an array. reply in json httpconnection Reply to any httpconnection as JSON body reply with xml httpconnection Return to any httpconnection with XML content reply with xml from json httpconnection Reply to any httpconnection with XML using a JSON object resize function resize given images with new dimensions send message function Send the given payload as JSON to the current websocket sign in as user function Sign in a regular user account, this only works for accounts with the setting "allow_login_as_user" enabled subscribe websocket on backend function Subscribes the websocket to a specific channel. All broadcasts will be handled in the backend. unsubscribe websocket function Unsubscribes the websocket from a specific channel. update url state Modifies the session history by adding to the stack or replacing the current state. websocket subscriptions function Returns all subscriptions registered on the current websocket. zadd redis add one member to a sorted set zrange redis retrieve items from the sorted sets zrem redis remove one member from a sorted set

Blocks modified

datalist state A datalist element. dropdown state Generates a designed dropdown menu. The field will be used as state key. dynamic select state Generates a basic select with a dynamic field. The field will be used as state key. geopoint input state Generates a geopoint input. The field will be used as state key. join array Creates and returns a new string by concatenating all of the elements in this array, separated by void if none provided price input state Generates a price input. The field will be used as state key. select state Generates a basic select. The field will be used as state key. submit button state A submit button to handle your form using a POST or PUT API. An error will be shown if the API responds with a non-200 status code and an error message. For this to work a form element needs to be used.

Blocks deprecated

subscribe state null unsubscribe state null