RUAL Documentation

Precompiled Data

When engaging with Blueprints, you may observe that certain data is labeled as 'fast'. This denotes precompiled data, which is designed to enhance the efficiency and speed of blueprints.

Precompiling for Enhanced Performance

To ensure blueprints operate at peak efficiency, we focus on determining the output values of blocks in advance. This involves pre-building functions and blocks, a process that saves execution time in the long run. We refer to this optimized data as precompiled, a term you'll encounter frequently in our documentation.

Each time a blueprint is saved, a signal is sent to all production nodes to discard the existing precompiled data. Additionally, if a blueprint hasn't been executed on a node for at least 6 hours, the node will automatically clear its precompiled information to conserve memory.

We recommend reusing the same block for identical values within a blueprint, as more connections are technically more cost-effective. When dealing with functions, it's beneficial to limit the use of custom object data. For instance, instead of passing an entire object to a function, modal, or queue item, only pass the necessary elements like the guid when that's all you need.

Precompiled value

In the example provided below, you can observe a precompiled value, marked by a green icon. This icon signifies that the value was precompiled during a previous execution and has been stored for efficient use in future operations.