RUAL Documentation

Core versions

Our platform operates on software, commonly known as core. This software can be run either locally within the cloud environment of Enterprise Customers or within our AWS cluster.


We release a new core version at least once a month. These releases typically include minor bug fixes and occasionally contain security patches for external software packages we utilize.


The most recent version is always in development. We methodically deploy production-ready code to the production environment following extensive manual and automated testing. These incremental deployments consistently merge to form the latest version.

Enterprise Customers Cloud Releases

Our Enterprise Customers receive their own updates after these versions have been released on our Shared Cloud. Occasionally, we apply small patches for these customers as a precautionary measure, particularly when we anticipate potential security or performance issues in the future.

It is crucial to run the latest release, especially since security patches for major software are frequently issued almost every week. We diligently keep up with these updates for every customer who possesses a valid Core License, as it is one of our key responsibilities.

All releases

v13.0.8DEVELOPMENT View the release notes of v13.0.8 v13.0.7LATEST View the release notes of v13.0.7 v13.0.6 View the release notes of v13.0.6 v13.0.5 View the release notes of v13.0.5 v13.0.4 View the release notes of v13.0.4 v13.0.3 View the release notes of v13.0.3 v13.0.2 View the release notes of v13.0.2 v13.0.1 View the release notes of v13.0.1 v12.1.6LATEST STABLE View the release notes of v12.1.6 v12.1.1 View the release notes of v12.1.1 v12.1.0 View the release notes of v12.1.0 v12.0.7 View the release notes of v12.0.7 v12.0.6 View the release notes of v12.0.6 v12.0.5 View the release notes of v12.0.5 v12.0.4 View the release notes of v12.0.4 v12.0.3 View the release notes of v12.0.3 v12.0.1 View the release notes of v12.0.1 v12.0.0 View the release notes of v12.0.0 v11.5.18 View the release notes of v11.5.18 v11.5.15 View the release notes of v11.5.15 v11.5.13 View the release notes of v11.5.13 v11.5.7 View the release notes of v11.5.7 v11.5.5 View the release notes of v11.5.5 v11.5.3 View the release notes of v11.5.3 v11.4.7 View the release notes of v11.4.7 v11.3.3 View the release notes of v11.3.3 v11.3.2 View the release notes of v11.3.2 v11.3.0 View the release notes of v11.3.0 v11.2.5 View the release notes of v11.2.5 v11.2.1 View the release notes of v11.2.1 v11.1.17 View the release notes of v11.1.17 v11.0.1 View the release notes of v11.0.1 v11.0.0 View the release notes of v11.0.0 v10.6.7 View the release notes of v10.6.7 v10.6.2 View the release notes of v10.6.2 v10.6.1 View the release notes of v10.6.1 v10.5.10 View the release notes of v10.5.10 v10.5.2 View the release notes of v10.5.2 v10.4.54 View the release notes of v10.4.54 v10.4.53 View the release notes of v10.4.53 v10.4.52 View the release notes of v10.4.52 v10.4.51 View the release notes of v10.4.51 v10.4.47 View the release notes of v10.4.47 v10.4.46 View the release notes of v10.4.46 v10.4.29 View the release notes of v10.4.29 v10.4.28 View the release notes of v10.4.28 v10.4.21 View the release notes of v10.4.21 v10.4.20 View the release notes of v10.4.20 v10.4.16 View the release notes of v10.4.16 v10.4.15 View the release notes of v10.4.15 v10.4.14 View the release notes of v10.4.14 v10.4.7 View the release notes of v10.4.7 v10.3.14 View the release notes of v10.3.14 v10.3.13 View the release notes of v10.3.13 v10.3.11 View the release notes of v10.3.11 v10.3.2 View the release notes of v10.3.2 v10.2.9 View the release notes of v10.2.9 v10.2.7 View the release notes of v10.2.7 v10.2.1 View the release notes of v10.2.1 v10.1.2 View the release notes of v10.1.2 v10.0.18 View the release notes of v10.0.18 v9.4.42 View the release notes of v9.4.42 v9.4.39 View the release notes of v9.4.39 v9.4.4 View the release notes of v9.4.4 v9.3.25 View the release notes of v9.3.25 v9.3.13 View the release notes of v9.3.13 v9.3.5 View the release notes of v9.3.5 v9.3.2 View the release notes of v9.3.2 v9.2.15 View the release notes of v9.2.15 v9.2.5 View the release notes of v9.2.5