RUAL Documentation

RUAL Core v13.0.2

Our platform operates on software, commonly known as core. This software can be run either locally within the cloud environment of Enterprise Customers or within our AWS cluster.

Modified or newly introduced blocks

In this release 89 new blocks were introduced. You'll find a complete list of blocks at the bottom of this page.

This release introduces numerous fixes and improvements to enhance stability and functionality. Significant efforts have been put into addressing issues related to HTTP responses, UI components, file operations, and production pushes, among others. Detailed notes below outline the specific changes and enhancements made.


HTTP & WS Responses

  • Corrected the response type for internal images.
  • Addressed an issue with HTTP not closing as expected on a graceful exit.
  • Resolved a WS JSON API issue that caused Failed: Unexpected end of JSON errors.

UI & Language Handling

  • Rectified an issue where the language key was occasionally not a string.
  • Fixed a file upload issue in UI components.
  • Resolved a problem with render-login leaking to upper function scope.
  • Modified http response code behavior for mock situations.

File & Data Management

  • Addressed issues with file handling and login crashes.
  • Added support for readFile and writeFile operations to xlsx files.
  • Introduced a new block file_data to read file content.
  • Fixed issues related to asset uploading.

Production & Deployment

  • Fixed a 404 error issue that caused "TOO MANY REDIRECTS".
  • Aligned clock to prevent skewing issues.


System & Configuration:

  • Enhanced block metrics and resolved issues with queue repeats.
  • Added support for NGINX rewrite config.
  • Updated NGINX directives for optimized performance.
  • Implemented support for wildcard hosts.
  • Implemented an entity validator to ensure data integrity.
  • Introduced a check for spark disconnection to prevent data loss or system interruption.

Parameter & Data Handling:

  • Increased the maximum permissible parameter length.


We continue to make strides in enhancing the stability and performance of our platform with these updates. Your feedback is vital, and we encourage you to report any issues or suggestions for future releases.

Blocks introduced

accepted languages httpconnection Returns the current HTTP accepted languages. activate on scan uicomponent This activates the on scan listener if it was previously deactivated add class uicomponent Adds a class to the element add stylesheet uicomponent Adds a stylesheet to the current page basic filter datatablefilter null bind event uicomponent Bind events (like left click, key up) to a ui component outlet broadcast subscribe uicomponent null broadcast unsubscribe uicomponent null close modal uicomponent Closes a modal based on the selected outlet. If no outlet is selected it will close the modal that was last opened close notification uicomponent Closes a notification based on the selected outlet. If no outlet is selected it will close the notification that was last opened create a circle uicomponent Creates a circle on the given map create a marker uicomponent Creates a marker on the given map custom modal uicomponent Opens a modal based on the connected UI component datatable activate filter uicomponent null datatable reload uicomponent null datatable search uicomponent null datatable selection uicomponent null datatable update filters uicomponent null deactivate on scan uicomponent This deactivates the on scan listener. It can be activated later on again by calling the activate on scan action debug uicomponent null default modal uicomponent Opens the default modal. The only things that can be set are the title, the content and the footer download file uicomponent Sends a request to the frontend to download a given file elseif uicomponent null focus element uicomponent Focuses given element by outlet foreach uicomponent Loops over the given data and returns everything as one ui component get browser information uicomponent This function does not return the value directly. It accepts a function that will be executed with the given value as soon as the frontend responds. get field from form uicomponent Get value from form based on selected field get form data uicomponent Returns an object with all the fields from a form selected by an outlet id get geolocation uicomponent This function does not return the value directly. It accepts a function that will be executed with the given value as soon as the frontend responds. get multiple fieldfunctions null get single fieldfunctions null go back uicomponent Will route the user back to the previous page. go forward uicomponent Will route the user back to the page forward. go to page uicomponent Will redirect the user into the new page. hide element uicomponent Hide by outlet if uicomponent null if statedatatablefilter null if datatablefilter null info window uicomponent Update the info window on the given marker line stop uicomponent null localstorage delete uicomponent null localstorage get uicomponent This function does not return the value directly. It accepts a function that will be executed with the given value as soon as the frontend responds. localstorage set uicomponent null login uicomponent Accepts an auth object and logs in the user with the given token. The auth object can be generated by using the User Management blocks "Sign in" or "Sign as User" logout uicomponent Sends a request to the frontend to remove the token multiple uicomponent null multiple statedatatablefilter null multiple datatablefilter null notification uicomponent Opens a notification based on the connected ui component on scan uicomponent Connected function will be executed on enter or if the maxlength is reached. The input will be cleared after every enter or after 1 second of inactivity. The on scan will try to set the element value if an outlet is selected open pdf in browser uicomponent Opens the given file in the browser. If the browser does not support that action the file will be downloaded original url httpconnection Returns the original URL for this request, before internal routing. page uicomponent Build a page on the given URI pan to coords uicomponent Changes the center of the map to the given lat/lng, the transition will be smoothly animated. query filter datatablefilter null query filter statedatatablefilter null reload uicomponent Reloads the current page the user is viewing. remove all markers uicomponent Removes all markers for the given outlet remove class uicomponent Removes a class from the element remove marker uicomponent Removes a marker on the given outlet remove stylesheet uicomponent Removes a stylesheet from the current page render page uicomponent Sends the combined HTML to the frontend and renders the page. All previously encountered broadcasts will be executed after the page has been rendered. request: delete json function null request: patch json function null return uicomponent uicomponent null scroll to uicomponent Scrolls given element to a specific position select datatablefilter null select filter statedatatablefilter null select text in input uicomponent Selects all the text in an input sessionstorage delete uicomponent null sessionstorage get uicomponent This function does not return the value directly. It accepts a function that will be executed with the given value as soon as the frontend responds. sessionstorage set uicomponent null set custom marker uicomponent Creates a custom marker on the map set options uicomponent Sets the options of the map. set zoom-level uicomponent Sets the zoom of the map to the given number. show element uicomponent Show by outlet sort filter datatablefilter null switch uicomponent null toggle class uicomponent Toggles a class to the element update data uicomponent Updates the data of a given chart update dynamic content uicomponent Updates the dynamic content update form data uicomponent Updates data by outlet update form with mutations uicomponent Updates data by outlet update meta tags uicomponent Updates the meta tags of the current page update page title uicomponent Sets the title of the page update style uicomponent Updates the giving style property update stylesheet uicomponent Updates a stylesheet with the given outlet. Will not do anything if the stylesheet does not exist. update text content uicomponent Update text content by outlet value filter statedatatablefilter null

Blocks deprecated

activate on scan uicomponent This activates the on scan listener if it was previously deactivated add class uicomponent Adds a class to the element add stylesheet uicomponent Adds a stylesheet to the current page basic filter datatablefilter null bind event uicomponent Bind events (like left click, key up) to a ui component outlet broadcast subscribe uicomponent null broadcast unsubscribe uicomponent null close modal uicomponent Closes a modal based on the selected outlet. If no outlet is selected it will close the modal that was last opened close notification uicomponent Closes a notification based on the selected outlet. If no outlet is selected it will close the notification that was last opened component from html uicomponent Accepts HTML and returns the given HTML as a component. Does NOT verify if the HTML is actually valid. cookie delete uicomponent Removes a cookie from the users browser. cookie get uicomponent Returns the cookie value associated with the given key. cookie set uicomponent Sets a cookie in the users browser. cookies get all uicomponent Returns all cookies create a circle uicomponent Creates a circle on the given map create a marker uicomponent Creates a marker on the given map create new component uicomponent Helps users create a new component. As soon as the component is created this block will be replaced by the new component which can also be selected in the search. current language uicomponent Returns the current language used by the rendered page. custom uicomponent Plays a custom sound custom modal uicomponent Opens a modal based on the connected UI component datatable activate filter uicomponent null datatable reload uicomponent null datatable search uicomponent null datatable selection uicomponent null datatable update filters uicomponent null deactivate on scan uicomponent This deactivates the on scan listener. It can be activated later on again by calling the activate on scan action debug uicomponent null default modal uicomponent Opens the default modal. The only things that can be set are the title, the content and the footer download file uicomponent Sends a request to the frontend to download a given file element event uicomponent An event that can be added to HTML elements. As soon as the element loads, the event will be triggered and a uicomponent can be returned elseif uicomponent null focus element uicomponent Focuses given element by outlet foreach uicomponent Loops over the given data and returns everything as one ui component get browser information uicomponent This function does not return the value directly. It accepts a function that will be executed with the given value as soon as the frontend responds. get field from form uicomponent Get value from form based on selected field get form data uicomponent Returns an object with all the fields from a form selected by an outlet id get geolocation uicomponent This function does not return the value directly. It accepts a function that will be executed with the given value as soon as the frontend responds. get multiple fieldfunctions null get single fieldfunctions null go back uicomponent Will route the user back to the previous page. go forward uicomponent Will route the user back to the page forward. go to page uicomponent Will redirect the user into the new page. hide element uicomponent Hide by outlet html from component uicomponent Accepts a component and returns the given HTML. Does NOT verify if the HTML is actually valid. if uicomponent null if datatablefilter null info window uicomponent Update the info window on the given marker line stop uicomponent null localstorage delete uicomponent null localstorage get uicomponent This function does not return the value directly. It accepts a function that will be executed with the given value as soon as the frontend responds. localstorage set uicomponent null login uicomponent Accepts an auth object and logs in the user with the given token. The auth object can be generated by using the User Management blocks "Sign in" or "Sign as User" logout uicomponent Sends a request to the frontend to remove the token multiple uicomponent null multiple datatablefilter null notification uicomponent Opens a notification based on the connected ui component on scan uicomponent Connected function will be executed on enter or if the maxlength is reached. The input will be cleared after every enter or after 1 second of inactivity. The on scan will try to set the element value if an outlet is selected open pdf in browser uicomponent Opens the given file in the browser. If the browser does not support that action the file will be downloaded open pdf print dialog uicomponent Opens the browsers print dialog for the given pdf. If the browser does not support that action the file will be downloaded. The print dialog will NOT open on any MAC based system as this action would freeze the browser. page uicomponent Build a page on the given URI pan to coords uicomponent Changes the center of the map to the given lat/lng, the transition will be smoothly animated. pling uicomponent Plays the "Pling" sound push to datatable uicomponent Pushes a row to the datatable with the given outlet query filter datatablefilter null reload uicomponent Reloads the current page the user is viewing. remove all markers uicomponent Removes all markers for the given outlet remove class uicomponent Removes a class from the element remove marker uicomponent Removes a marker on the given outlet remove stylesheet uicomponent Removes a stylesheet from the current page render page uicomponent Sends the combined HTML to the frontend and renders the page. All previously encountered broadcasts will be executed after the page has been rendered. request opn scanner list uicomponent Requests the current scanned barcode list from the connected opn scanner. IPC: read-opn-scanner return uicomponent uicomponent null scroll to uicomponent Scrolls given element to a specific position searchbar datatablefilter null select datatablefilter null select text in input uicomponent Selects all the text in an input sessionstorage delete uicomponent null sessionstorage get uicomponent This function does not return the value directly. It accepts a function that will be executed with the given value as soon as the frontend responds. sessionstorage set uicomponent null set badge count uicomponent Updates the dock icon badge with the given count, 0 to reset. set custom marker uicomponent Creates a custom marker on the map set options uicomponent Sets the options of the map. set page query uicomponent Updates the query part of the url set progress bar uicomponent Updates the progressbar of the application. set zoom-level uicomponent Sets the zoom of the map to the given number. show element uicomponent Show by outlet show notification uicomponent Send notification if the user is viewing the UI in an electron app. sort filter datatablefilter null sound: stop uicomponent Stops the given sound by ID submit form uicomponent Submits the given form in the frontend switch uicomponent null switch datatablefilter Returns a datatablefilter based of the given expression. toggle class uicomponent Toggles a class to the element update data uicomponent Updates the data of a given chart update datatable selection uicomponent null update dynamic content uicomponent Updates the dynamic content update form data uicomponent Updates data by outlet update form with mutations uicomponent Updates data by outlet update meta tags uicomponent Updates the meta tags of the current page update page title uicomponent Sets the title of the page update style uicomponent Updates the giving style property update stylesheet uicomponent Updates a stylesheet with the given outlet. Will not do anything if the stylesheet does not exist. update text content uicomponent Update text content by outlet