RUAL Documentation

RUAL Core v13.0.7

Our platform operates on software, commonly known as core. This software can be run either locally within the cloud environment of Enterprise Customers or within our AWS cluster.

Modified or newly introduced blocks

In this release 19 blocks have been modified and 46 new blocks were introduced. You'll find a complete list of blocks at the bottom of this page.

Deployment logic

New deployment logic has been implemented: By default, blueprints are in development mode and must be separately deployed to production. This deployment can be performed directly within the blueprint if the user has the appropriate permissions. Otherwise, it must be executed by a developer who has the necessary access or by one with deployment permissions. Deployment functionality cannot be disabled; these two distinct modes are standard across all servers running version 13.0.7.

Enhancements and New Features

UI and Component Updates:

  • Introduced enhanced class style and attribute support for icons in statedatatableconnection_button.
  • Added internal HTTP request support to HTTP services and BP Console now correctly handles undefined values.
  • Enhanced statedatatableconnection_checkbox with select all functionality and added delay state update support to state-v2.
  • Improved internal request handling and added modal closing support to state_submit_button.
  • Updated API blocks to include more intuitive aliases for easier use and discoverability.

Data Handling and Integration:

  • Introduced JSX frontend rendering using a new hydrate logic to enhance dynamic content rendering.
  • Enhanced data manipulation and visualization capabilities through new and updated blocks like date_format and statedatatableconnection_radio.
  • Added advanced filtering options to datatable components and introduced dynamic field inputs to enhance user interactivity.

Security and Authentication:

  • Improved execution time calculations in Blueprints (BPs) for more efficient processing.
  • Removed unused authentication/scope endpoints to streamline security measures.
  • Implemented robust Redis key management for better cache control and introduced system Redis keys support.

Performance Optimizations:

  • Enhanced metrics for aggregations and streaming to provide better performance insights.
  • Added staging environment to CORS whitelist to improve cross-origin resource sharing capabilities during development.
  • Migrated API history from time-series to single storage for optimized data handling.

Performance Optimizations:

  • Improved execution time calculation in Blueprints (BPs) and enhanced metrics for aggregations and streaming.
  • Optimized default routing timeout and enhanced internal requests handling.

JSX and React Integration:

  • Expanded support for JSX in frontend components, including new state management capabilities and custom React component rendering.
  • Developed new JSX blocks and enhanced existing ones to fully utilize React's capabilities in the frontend.
  • Improved handling of JSX components, including fixing issues related to component logic and rendering.

Bug Fixes

Component and Rendering Fixes:

  • Addressed various JSX-related issues, ensuring components render correctly and enhancing the use of React's state management features.
  • Fixed issues related to datatable rendering, sorting, and header functionalities to ensure accurate data display.
  • Resolved multiple issues in custom component handling, particularly in dynamic environments and complex UI structures.

Data Handling and API Fixes:

  • Fixed deprecated version handling in blocks to ensure clear and accurate deprecation messaging.
  • Corrected issues with Redis set operations and enhanced the handling of boolean results in redis_set_ismember.
  • Addressed problems with unsubscribe functionality in blueprints and improved data caching in session storage for datatables.

Security Enhancements:

  • Enhanced security protocols across various components, particularly in handling encrypted data and session management.
  • Tightened security measures in HTTP block handling and introduced new audit endpoints for better monitoring.

Additional Updates

Documentation and Development:

  • Updated block descriptions and introduced new information panels to assist developers and users in understanding functionalities.
  • Improved test coverage and debugging capabilities to ensure robust application performance.

Technical Improvements:

  • Introduced support for SaltEdge connections, enhancing financial data integration capabilities.
  • Implemented new cluster APIs for usage, optimizing cluster management and resource utilization.
  • Upgraded React builds to ES2017 and introduced direct-component rendering to leverage modern JavaScript features.

Blocks introduced

add redis add one member to a set autocomplete filter statedatatablefilter null build csv function null card redis get the number of members in a set cos number Returns the cosine of a number decode uri value Decodes a URI by replacing URI safe characters with normal characters. decode uri component value Decodes a URI by replacing URI safe characters with normal characters. difference in months date The difference between 2 given dates in months. difference in weeks date Difference between 2 given dates in weeks. difference in years date The difference between 2 given dates in years. dynamic value value Returns the provided value with support for dynamic inpins using {value:name} typing. exp number Returns the value of E raised to the power of a number get by index redis Get an element from a list by its index get document function get a specific document based on the given GUID insert at index redis Insert an element before or after another element in a list last request info soapconnection Exposes extra information about the last function request on this WSDL, allow proper debugging len redis get the length of a list log number Returns the base logarithm of a number map array Creates a new array with the results of the provided function on every element in the array. members redis Get all the members in a set ol foreach state Serves as a dynamic ol container. pop redis Remove and return one random member from a set pop redis Remove and get the first element in a list push redis prepend one element to a list push array redis prepend multiple elements to a list push array redis prepend multiple elements to a sadd pushx redis prepend an element to a list, only if the list exists randmember redis Get one random member from a set range redis get a range of elements from a list rem redis Remove one member from a set remove redis removes the first count occurrences of elements equal to element remove from bottom of array array removes the last element from an array and returns that removed element remove from top of array array removes the first element from an array and returns that removed element return state function returns the given state rpop redis remove and get the last element in a list rpush redis append one or multiple elements to a list rpushx redis append an element to a list, only if the list exists s3 list awsconnection Lists S3 objects in a bucket. searchbar datatablefilter null set redis set the value of an element in a list by its index sin number Returns the sine of a number svg state A SVG element. svg path state A path element, to define an arbitrary shape. trim redis trim a list to the specified range ul foreach state Serves as a dynamic ul container. update datatable search state Sends a state update to the datatable to search for a specific value.

Blocks modified

advanced datatable state A pre-styled advanced table showing data using advanced tooling autocomplete value state Generates auto-complete select searching a storage and filling the state with the search-key. The field will be used as state key. filter by value array Returns an array of all items not matching the given value. get extension file Grabs the file extension and mime-type hyperlink state A anchor element, that can be used to create an link to an intern/extern page. is member redis determine if a given value is a member of a set request: delete function null request: delete json function null request: get function null request: get json function null request: patch json function null request: post form-data function null request: post json function null request: post value function null request: put json function null request: put value function null zadd redis add one member to a sorted set zrange redis retrieve items from the sorted sets zrem redis remove one member from a sorted set

Blocks deprecated

create call function Build a voice call using messagebird.