RUAL Documentation

connect as customer

This block is part of the floriday group and was last modified in core v13.0.8.

connect as customer v11.5.18

Creates an initial connection with the Floriday customer API using your API key.

Pin Pin Type Default
API Keyrequired
The API key from your floriday account using the Rual Connection.
live keyrequired
Provide true if you're using the live API.
condition false
The scope used for the connection
array role:app, catalog:read, catalog:write, network:read, network:write, sales-order:read, sales-order:write, purchase-order:read, purchase-order:write, organization:read, supply:read, supply:write, delivery-conditions:read, fulfillment:write, fulfillment:read
client id
A custom client id, will overwrite the default one. This should only be used if an own Floriday application is being used.
client secret
A custom client secret, will overwrite the default one. This should only be used if an own Floriday application is being used.
Pin Pin Type Example

Core Releases

v11.5.18 This block was introduced in v11.5.18, click here to see the release notes. v13.0.8 This block was last modified in v13.0.8, click here to see the release notes.
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