RUAL Documentation

radio buttons

This block is part of the Component UI group and was last modified in core v10.4.28.

radio buttons v10.4.28

Generates buttons based on the objects in a given array. Will set a field to a given value on click.

Pin Pin Type Default
Buttons to be created. Should be the following format: [{ value, icon, text, style (optional), class (optional) }]
array []
default value
The default value to be used if the value in the array is not set.
value None
default class
The default class to be used if the class in the array is not set.
uiclass btn btn-outline-primary
default style
The default style to be used if the style in the array is not set.
uistyle None
active class
The class to be set when the button is set to active.
uiclass active
Field to save the value in
fielddefinitions None
Applies the given validation to the element, overwrites attributes given in the attributes popup
fieldvalidation None
clickevent None
Pin Pin Type Example

Core Releases

v10.4.28 This block was introduced in v10.4.28, click here to see the release notes.
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