RUAL Documentation

code input

This block is part of the Component UI group and was last modified in core v10.4.28.

code input v10.4.28

Generates multiple inputs based on the given code length. It can further be specified to only allow numbers and to execute the on enter function after all inputs are filled

Pin Pin Type Default
Field to save the value in
Defines how many inputs to show
number 6
Numbers only
If set to true, the inputs will only allow numbers
condition false
Alpha Numeric
If set to true, the inputs will only allow A-Z and 0-9
condition false
Is required
Checks if the code input is filled.
condition false
On enter
Function will be executed as soon as the enter button is hit
Call on enter
If set to true the inputs will call the on enter function as soon as every input is filled
condition false
Clear on enter
If set to true the inputs will clear the filled fields when enter is pressed or called
condition false
Pin Pin Type Example

Core Releases

v10.4.28 This block was introduced in v10.4.28, click here to see the release notes.
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