multiple fields
This block is part of the Component UI
group and was last modified in core v11.3.0
multiple fields
Generates rows with inputs based on the selected fields
Pin | Pin | Type | Default |
Row Render A function per field, this allows you to generate custom HTML for the selected field. For example when you would like to show a different input than the one selected by default. |
fieldfunctions |
Disabled Disables all the inputs at once |
condition |
Hide Label Hides the label |
condition |
Class: Row |
uiclass |
form-group row |
Style: Row |
uistyle |
Class: Label |
uiclass |
col-4 col-form-label |
Style: Label |
uistyle |
Class: Input column |
uiclass |
col-8 |
Style: Input column |
uistyle |
Class: Input |
uiclass |
form-control |
Style: Input |
uistyle |
Pin | Pin | Type | Example |
uicomponent |
uicomponent |
Core Releases
v11.3.0 This block was introduced inv11.3.0
, click here to see the release notes.
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