RUAL Documentation

Blocks within http

List of all the block within the http group. If you're running an older core version, there may be groups listed here that are not available to you (yet).

accepted languages array v13.0.2 Returns the current HTTP accepted languages. get params object v10.4.28 Returns all params if present, params are optional or required parameters in API URIs, for example :name. method value v10.4.28 Returns current HTTP method for this request (e.g. GET, POST, etc). is authenticated condition v10.4.28 Returns true if the user is indeed authenticated. cookie value v12.0.4 Returns the cookie with the given name. remote ip value v10.4.28 Returns the currently connected user IP. get body object v10.4.28 Returns the provided body as object, if the request method is POST or PUT. agent object v10.4.28 Returns the currently connected user agent. headers object v10.4.28 Returns all headers known to us in the HTTP request. original url value v13.0.2 Returns the original URL for this request, before internal routing. get query object v10.4.28 Returns all query items if present. Query items may be given in the URI like ?query=yes. single header value v10.4.28 Gets the given header if present in HTTP request. request id value v10.4.16 Returns the unique request ID cookies all object v12.0.4 Returns all set cookies. is user allowed to all scopes condition v10.4.28 Returns true if the authenticated user has wildcard (*) scope. get user scopes array v10.4.28 Returns the authenticated users scope.
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