get pickup locations for address
This block is part of the shipping
group and was last modified in core v13.0.9
get pickup locations for address
This block is used to request the nearby pickup locations for a address.
Pin | Pin | Type | Default |
flow |
flow |
Connectionrequired The PostNL connection. |
postnlconnection |
Postalcoderequired The postalcode to use for the check. |
value |
House Numberrequired The house number to use for the check. |
value |
Country Code The country code of the receiver address. Can be NL or BE. |
value |
NL |
House Number Extension The house number extension to use for the check. |
value |
Pickup Date This is the pickup date at the pickup location, filters out all locations closed at that time. |
date |
Pin | Pin | Type | Example |
flow |
flow |
Connectionrequired The PostNL connection |
postnlconnection |
Success If successful, return true. |
condition |
Most nearby pickup location This is the most nearby location to the receiver its address. |
object |
Pickup locations All the pickup locations.. |
array |
Error Error message if the pickup locations could not be requested. |
value |
Core Releases
v13.0.9 This block was introduced inv13.0.9
, click here to see the release notes.
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