get delivery options
This block is part of the shipping
group and was last modified in core v13.0.9
get delivery options
This block is used to request the delivery options for a delivery.
Pin | Pin | Type | Default |
flow |
flow |
Connectionrequired The PostNL connection. |
postnlconnection |
Sender Addressrequired The address of the sender of this shipment. Object should contain the following fields: city, country_code (ISO2), house_number, street, zip_code, house_number_ext. |
object |
Receiver Addressrequired The address of the receiver of this shipment. Object should contain the following fields: city, country_code (ISO2), house_number, street, zip_code, house_number_ext. |
object |
Order Daterequired The order date used to request the delivery options. |
date |
Preparing Duration (days)required The number of days it takes to send the shipment to PostNL (from your magazine). 1: same day, 2: next day, etc. |
number |
Handle in holidays Boolean indicates if you handle orders in holidays. If false PostNL uses this to define delivery options. |
condition |
false |
Days in future How much days you want to look in the future for delivery options can 1-9. |
number |
5 |
Locations Quantity How much locations you want returned can be 1-3. |
number |
3 |
Blocked Delivery Options Blocked delivery options that you want to block. Default every option is available, with this array you can remove options from that list. Check the documentation for the available options you can block. |
array |
Cutoff options Array containing options for cutoff. For each day that has other cutoff settings make a object in the array with the day field (e.g. sunday) or you can set that field to all (so you can use that as default for all days). The object should also contain the following fields: cutoff_time (value HH:mm:ss), is_available (condition that indicates if you ship on that date) and type. See serivce documentation for the available types. |
array |
Pin | Pin | Type | Example |
flow |
flow |
Connectionrequired The PostNL connection |
postnlconnection |
Success If successful, return true. |
condition |
Delivery options The delivery options for this delivery. |
array |
Pickup options The pickup options for this delivery. |
array |
Error Error message if the delivery options could not be requested. |
value |
Core Releases
v13.0.9 This block was introduced inv13.0.9
, click here to see the release notes.
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