open connection
This block is part of the virtualisation
group and was last modified in core v13.0.9
open connection
This block is used to open a connection to a LXD server.
Pin | Pin | Type | Default |
flow |
flow |
Hostnamerequired The hostname or IP address of the LXD server you want to connect to. |
value |
Portrequired The port number on which the LXD server is listening for API requests, typically "8443". |
number |
Client Keyrequired The private client .key file used for secure authentication with the LXD server. |
file |
Client Certificaterequired The public client .crt file corresponding to the private key, used for mutual TLS authentication. |
file |
Certificate Authorityrequired The Certificate Authority (CA) .crt file used to verify the LXD server’s identity during TLS communication. |
file |
Reject Unauthorized A boolean option to enable or disable rejection of unauthorized server certificates. Set to "true" for strict validation. |
condition |
Pin | Pin | Type | Example |
flow |
flow |
Connectionrequired The LXD connection with the server |
lxdconnection |
Success If successful, return true. |
condition |
Error Error message if the connection could not be established. |
value |
Core Releases
v13.0.9 This block was introduced inv13.0.9
, click here to see the release notes.
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