RUAL Documentation

Blocks within date

List of all the block within the date group. If you're running an older core version, there may be groups listed here that are not available to you (yet).

difference in months number v13.0.7 The difference between 2 given dates in months. difference in years number v13.0.7 The difference between 2 given dates in years. minus seconds date v10.4.28 Minus an selected amount of seconds of your given date. difference in seconds number v10.4.28 Difference between 2 given dates in seconds. minus years date v10.4.28 Minus a selected amount of years of your given date. minus months date v10.4.28 Minus an selected amount of months of your given date is today condition v10.4.28 null is this month condition v10.4.28 null is this iso week condition v10.4.28 null is this year condition v10.4.28 null date now date v10.4.28 Gives you the current date based on your timezone. set to: start of week date v10.4.28 Returns the start of the week for the given date. set to: start of year date v10.4.28 Returns the start of the year for the given date. make locale date v10.4.28 Set the locale for the given date to the specified locale. make utc date v10.4.28 Convert the given date to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). set to: end of hour date v10.5.10 Returns the end of the hour for the given date. set to: end of month date v10.4.28 Returns the end of the month for the given date plus weeks date v10.4.28 Plus an selected amount of weeks to your given date. set to: end of year date v10.4.28 Returns the end of the year for the given date difference in weeks number v13.0.7 Difference between 2 given dates in weeks. minus days date v10.4.28 Minus an selected amount of days of your given date. plus years date v10.4.28 Plus an selected amount of years to your given date. minus hours date v10.4.28 Minus an selected amount of hours of your given date minus minutes date v10.4.28 Minus an selected amount of minutes of your given date. minus weeks date v10.4.28 Minus an selected amount of weeks of your given date. difference in hours number v10.4.28 Difference between 2 given dates in hours. difference in minutes number v10.4.28 Difference between 2 given dates in minutes. difference in days number v10.4.28 The difference between 2 given dates in days. is this workweek condition v10.6.2 null is this week condition v10.4.28 null is empty condition v10.4.28 checks if date is filled switch date v12.0.4 Returns a date based of the given expression. never date v11.2.1 Will return the -1 unix timestamp. It can be used as expiry for the document update or remove actions from now value v10.4.28 Calculate the duration from the given date to the current time and represent it in a human-readable format. format value v10.4.28 Format the given date, e.g., DD/MM/YYYY HH:mm set to: end of day date v10.4.28 Returns the end of the day for the given date. set to: start of hour date v10.4.28 Returns the start of the hour for the given date. set to: start of month date v10.4.28 Returns the start of the month for the given date. set to: start of day date v10.4.28 Returns the start of the day for the given date. get unixtimestamp number v10.4.28 Get the Unix timestamp of the given date. set timezone date v10.4.28 Set the timezone for the given date to the specified timezone. plus minutes date v10.4.28 Plus an selected amount of minutes to your given date. plus seconds date v10.4.28 Plus an selected amount of seconds to your given date. plus hours date v10.4.28 Plus an selected amount of hours to your given date. set to: end of week date v10.4.28 Returns the end of the week for the given date. plus days date v10.4.28 Plus an selected amount of days to your given date. plus months date v10.4.28 Plus an selected amount of years to your given date.
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