get coordinates
This block is part of the dobot
group and was last modified in core v14.0.1
get coordinates
grabs the current joints coordinates of the machine. When you're using a 4 joint machine, the last 2 joints will be ignored.
Pin | Pin | Type | Default |
flow |
flow |
connectionrequired |
dobotconnection |
Pin | Pin | Type | Example |
flow |
flow |
connection |
dobotconnection |
joint 1 |
float |
joint 2 |
float |
joint 3 |
float |
joint 4 |
float |
joint 5 |
float |
joint 6 |
float |
joints Number of joints the machine has |
number |
coords Coords of the joints in array format |
array |
Core Releases
v14.0.1 This block was introduced inv14.0.1
, click here to see the release notes.
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