RUAL Documentation

Blocks within aggregation

List of all the block within the aggregation group. If you're running an older core version, there may be groups listed here that are not available to you (yet).

date histogram aggregation v13.0.4 Groups data based on a date histogram, allowing analysis over specified intervals. terms aggregation v13.0.4 Performs term-based grouping, allowing aggregation on specified criteria. multiple aggs aggregation v10.4.28 This block allows you to use multiple aggregations in your query. histogram aggregation v9.3.2 Divides numeric or date-based data into intervals, creating a histogram for analysis. count on field aggregation v10.4.28 Counts the occurrences of values in the specified numeric, date, or value field. max on field aggregation v10.4.28 Finds the maximum value for the specified numeric or date field. sum on field aggregation v10.4.28 Calculates the sum of numeric or date values for the specified field. percentiles on field aggregation v10.4.28 Calculates percentiles for the specified numeric or date field. 99 percentiles on field aggregation v10.4.28 Calculates the 99th percentile for the specified numeric or date field. top hits aggregation v10.4.28 Retrieves the top hits based on specified criteria. stats on field aggregation v10.4.28 Computes statistical metrics (min, max, sum, count, and avg) for the specified numeric or date field. avg on field aggregation v10.4.28 Calculates the average of numeric or date values for the specified field. sum on field in array aggregation v10.4.28 Calculates the sum of values in the specified field within each array element. min on field aggregation v10.4.28 Finds the minimum value for the specified numeric or date field. significant terms on field aggregation v10.4.28 Identifies significant terms in the specified field based on statistical analysis. cardinality aggregation v10.4.28 Counts the approximate number of distinct values for the specified field.
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