RUAL Documentation

Blocks within aqara

List of all the block within the aqara group. If you're running an older core version, there may be groups listed here that are not available to you (yet).

get my devices aqaraconnection v13.0.8 With this block you can request an array containing the information of all your devices. verify auth code aqaraconnection v13.0.8 With this block you can verify a authorization code. update device name aqaraconnection v13.0.8 With this block you can update the name of a device. update multiple device attributes aqaraconnection v13.0.8 With this block you can update multiple attributes of an device. execute scene aqaraconnection v13.0.8 With this block you can execute a scene. get my scenes aqaraconnection v13.0.8 With this block you can search all the scenes in your account. open connection aqaraconnection v13.0.8 This interface is used to open a connection to the Aqara service. request auth code aqaraconnection v13.0.8 With this block you can request a authorization code. refresh access token aqaraconnection v13.0.8 With this block you can refresh an access token. get device attributes aqaraconnection v13.0.8 With this block you can request all the attributes for an device. get device information aqaraconnection v13.0.8 With this block you can request information about an device. update device attribute aqaraconnection v13.0.8 With this block you can update a attribute of an device. get device attribute value aqaraconnection v13.0.8 With this block you can update a attribute of an device.
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