RUAL Documentation

Blocks within state actions

List of all the block within the state actions group. If you're running an older core version, there may be groups listed here that are not available to you (yet).

increment state flow v10.4.28 Sends a state update to the frontend and triggers updates based of it. decrement state flow v10.4.28 Sends a state update to the frontend and triggers updates based of it. add to state array flow v10.4.28 Adds given value to the array on the frontend and triggers updates based of it. go back flow v13.0.5 Causes the browser to move back one page in the session history. rerender state flow v10.4.28 Sends all previously non-processed state updates to the UI directly without waiting for further updates. update state fields flow v10.4.28 Sends a state update to the frontend and triggers updates based of it. clear active datatable filters flow v10.4.28 Sends a state update to the datatable to clear the active datatable filters. remove from state array flow v10.4.28 Removes given value from the array on the frontend and triggers updates based of it. refresh page flow v10.4.28 Refreshes the current page directly. logout flow v10.4.28 Logs the user out. update url flow v13.0.5 Modifies the session history by adding to the stack or replacing the current state. get fields value,condition,number,object,date,geo_point,array,file v10.4.28 Get given field(s) from the current UI state. get form data value v10.4.28 Retrieves the form data from the state. get uploaded file file v10.4.28 Get a recently uploaded file. The file is stored on a temp. dir, move it if you want to keep it. set cookie flow v10.4.28 null text to speech flow v10.4.28 Uses browsers text-to-speech to output a certain text in voice run js function flow v10.4.28 null set access token flow v10.4.28 null datatable get selection array v10.4.28 Returns the current datatable selection. update datatable search flow v13.0.7 Sends a state update to the datatable to search for a specific value. update state flow v10.4.28 Sends a state update to the frontend and triggers updates based of it. redirect flow v10.4.28 Sends the user to the given page directly. update state if empty flow v10.4.28 Sends a state update to the frontend and triggers updates based of it if the field is empty. refresh datatable flow v10.4.28 Sends a state update to the datatable to refresh their data. go forward flow v13.0.5 Causes the browser to move forward one page in the session history. new tab flow v10.4.28 Opens a new tab with the given url. play audio flow v10.4.28 Plays the given audio file in the users browser get key value v10.4.28 Get given key from the current UI state. datatable update selection array v10.4.28 Updates the datatable selection. redirect to page flow v10.4.28 Sends the user to the selected page.
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