RUAL Documentation

Blocks within value

List of all the block within the value group. If you're running an older core version, there may be groups listed here that are not available to you (yet).

sanitize html value v10.4.28 Sanitizes the given html index of number v10.4.28 Finds the given value in its value. remove special chars value v10.4.28 Returns the value without special charactors encode uri value v10.4.28 Encodes a URI by replacing specific characters with URI safe characters. escape value v11.0.1 Converts the characters "&", "<", ">", '"', and "'" in string to their corresponding HTML entities. locale compare number v10.4.28 null simple normalize value v10.4.28 Removes all non alphanumeric characters convert to lowercase value v10.4.28 null convert to uppercase value v10.4.28 null rgb to hex condition v12.0.6 Converts rgb color codes into hex generate uuid value v12.0.4 Generates a random universally unique identifier according to the RFC 4122 decode uri component value v13.0.7 Decodes a URI by replacing URI safe characters with normal characters. current language value v13.0.4 Returns the current language. switch value v10.4.28 Returns a value based of the given expression. normalize value v10.4.28 Returns the Unicode Normalization Form of the string. unescape value v11.0.1 Converts the HTML entities &, <, >, ", and ' in string to their corresponding characters. template value value v10.4.28 Renders the given template using mustache. encode uri component value v10.4.28 Encodes a URI by replacing specific characters with URI safe characters. trim value v10.4.28 Removes characters from both ends of a string javascript type value v12.0.4 Returns the JS-engine type of a given value get length number v10.4.28 value contains the length of the string in UTF-16 code units split array v10.4.28 takes a pattern and divides this string into an ordered list of substrings by searching for the pattern, puts these substrings into an array, and returns the array hex to rgb condition v12.0.6 Converts a hex color code into rgb/a generate guid value v10.4.28 null generate shortid value v10.4.28 null format number value v10.4.28 null capitalize first letter value v10.4.28 null replace value v10.4.28 null decode uri value v13.0.7 Decodes a URI by replacing URI safe characters with normal characters.
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