RUAL Documentation

Blocks within state elements

List of all the block within the state elements group. If you're running an older core version, there may be groups listed here that are not available to you (yet).

svg state v13.0.7 A SVG element. ul foreach state v13.0.7 Serves as a dynamic ul container. ol foreach state v13.0.7 Serves as a dynamic ol container. div state v13.0.1 Creates a dynamic and customizable div element on your web page. div foreach state v13.0.1 Serves as a dynamic container, generating an unique div for each element in the specified array. footer state v13.0.1 A footer element. dropdown state v13.0.1 Generates a designed dropdown menu. The field will be used as state key. thead foreach state v13.0.4 Serves as a dynamic container, generating an unique thead for each element in the specified array. h1 state v13.0.1 A H1 element. h3 state v13.0.1 A H3 element. h2 state v13.0.1 A H2 element. h4 state v13.0.1 A H4 element. h6 state v13.0.1 A H6 element. header state v13.0.1 A header element. hr state v13.0.1 A horizontal rule element iframe state v13.0.1 A iframe element with URL state binding. image from file state v13.0.1 A img element from a internal or public file. file input state v10.4.28 Generates a file input. The field will be used as state key. datetime input state v13.0.1 Generates a datetime input. The field will be used as state key, prefixed with the form. dynamic input state v13.0.6 Generates a basic input with a dynamic field. The field will be used as state key, prefixed with the form. checkbox state v13.0.1 Generates a basic checkbox. The field will be used as state key, prefixed with the form. geopoint input state v13.0.1 Generates a geopoint input. The field will be used as state key. list element state v13.0.1 A list element. ordered list state v13.0.1 An ordered list element. progressbar state v13.0.1 A progress bar filled up to certain percentage. strong state v13.0.1 Indicates that its text has strong importance, seriousness, or urgency. spinner state v13.0.1 A div with the class spinner on it by default. table column state v13.0.1 A table column element. custom text state v13.0.1 null table state v13.0.1 A table element. table row state v13.0.1 A tr element. textarea state v13.0.1 Generates a basic textarea. The field will be used as state key. dynamic textarea state v13.0.6 Generates a basic textarea with a dynamic field. The field will be used as state key. button with text and icon state v13.0.1 Generates a basic html button element with default styling. outlined alert state v13.0.1 Generates outline styled information alert element with a icon next to the text. regular card state v13.0.1 Shows a regular card. column state v13.0.1 A div with the col-* classes available to it. security state v13.0.4 A basic security component that shows the current sessions, 2fa devices and allows the user to add new twofactor authentication methods. card with ribbon state v10.4.28 Shows a card with ribbon build-in. debug flow v13.0.4 Shows a debug modal to easily debug values within any flow select state v13.0.1 Generates a basic select. The field will be used as state key. price input state v13.0.1 Generates a price input. The field will be used as state key. advanced datatable state v13.0.1 A pre-styled advanced table showing data using advanced tooling datatable state v13.0.1 A styled table made to display a lot of data using pagination. form rows from fields state v13.0.1 Generates rows with the given fields. The fields will be used as state keys. svg path state v13.0.7 A path element, to define an arbitrary shape. datalist state v13.0.1 A datalist element. embed state v13.0.1 A embed element, that defines a container for an external resource. tr foreach state v13.0.4 Serves as a dynamic container, generating an unique tr for each element in the specified array. tbody foreach state v13.0.4 Serves as a dynamic container, generating an unique tbody for each element in the specified array. form state v13.0.1 Generates a basic form element using state UI. All fields within this form will be prefixed if a prefix is given. h5 state v13.0.1 A H5 element. fontawesome icon state v13.0.1 Integrates a dynamic FontAwesome icon into your web page image state v13.0.1 A image element. input state v13.0.1 Generates a basic input. The field will be used as state key, prefixed with the form. date input state v13.0.1 Generates a date input. The field will be used as state key. number input state v13.0.1 Generates a number input. The field will be used as state key. password input state v13.0.1 Generates a password input. The field will be used as state key. time input state v13.0.1 Generates a time input. The field will be used as state key, prefixed with the form. label state v13.0.1 Represents a caption for an item in a user interface. kbd state v13.0.1 A kbd element. italic state v13.0.1 A italic text element. nav state v13.0.1 Defines a set of navigation links. paragraph state v13.0.1 A paragraph element. preformatted text state v13.0.1 A pre element. custom number state v13.0.1 A custom number element price format state v13.0.1 null row state v13.0.1 A div with the class row on it by default. span state v13.0.1 A span element. small state v13.0.6 A small text element. table body state v13.0.1 A tbody element. table head state v13.0.1 A thead element. table header state v13.0.1 A th element. unordered list state v13.0.1 An unordered list element. hyperlink to page state v10.4.28 A anchor element. basic alert state v13.0.1 Generates a basic styled alert with text. basic canvas state v13.0.1 A basic canvas element button state v13.0.1 Generates a basic html button element with default styling. checkmark state v13.0.1 A button filled with a green checkmark. container state v13.0.1 A div with the class container on it by default. code state v13.0.1 A code element. br state v10.4.28 A br element. list card state v10.4.28 Shows a list card. card icon box state v10.4.28 Shows a card with ribbon build-in. custom html state v10.4.28 Renders custom html. script state v13.0.1 A script element. dynamic select state v13.0.6 Generates a basic select with a dynamic field. The field will be used as state key. hyperlink state v13.0.1 A anchor element, that can be used to create an link to an intern/extern page. autocomplete value state v13.0.8 Generates auto-complete select searching a storage and filling the state with the search-key. The field will be used as state key.
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