RUAL Documentation

Blocks within array

List of all the block within the array group. If you're running an older core version, there may be groups listed here that are not available to you (yet).

objects with fields array v10.4.28 Create multiple objects inside an array find by key - multiple values array v10.4.28 Returns the matching objects for the given key value pairs. get weighted random object v10.4.28 Returns a random weighted item from the given array find by field not exists array v10.4.28 Returns the matching objects of they not include the given field. select field values array v10.4.28 returns an array with values of the given field in this array of objects. with objects array v10.4.28 Returns an array of objects. every (value) condition v12.0.7 tests whether all elements in the array pass the test get meta guids array v10.4.28 Returns an array of values with _meta.guid's of each object in the given array. filter by field value array v10.4.28 Returns an array of all items not matching the given field and their value. step matching by field array v12.0.7 Returns the matching objects for the given key-value pair in steps. fill array v13.0.1 Fills the given array with null or the given value. new array v13.0.1 returns a new array. elseif array v10.4.28 Conditional branching for arrays (if.. then.. else if.. then.. else if.. default..). avg number v10.4.28 Returns the avarage number in the given array of numbers. sum number v10.4.28 Returns the total sum of the given array of numbers. sort array by length array v10.4.28 Sorts an array based on the length of the elements. min on field number v10.4.28 Returns the lowest number for the given field in the given array of objects. max number v10.4.28 Returns the highest number in the given array of numbers. sort array by multiple fields array v10.4.28 sorts the elements of an array in place and returns the reference to the same array, now sorted sort array by field array v10.4.28 Sorts the elements of an array by a given key. max on field number v10.4.28 Returns the highest number for the given field in the given array of objects. avg on field number v10.4.28 returns the avarage number for the given field in the given array of objects. match max on field array v10.4.28 Returns all objects that have a number equal to or smaller than the given number count unique values number v10.4.28 Returns the number of unique items for the given array of values. group by array v10.4.28 Groups the elements of the given array by a specified field. remove duplicates array v10.4.28 Removes duplicate values from an array. get last item value v10.4.28 Get the last item from the array. shuffle array v10.4.28 Shuffles the array in a random sorting. add to top of array array v10.4.28 Adds your given value to your given array. get aggregation buckets array v10.4.28 Returns aggregation buckets from the given array. remove at index array v13.0.8 Removes the item with the given index. index of number v13.0.8 Get the index of the given value, -1 if not found. range array v10.4.28 Generates a new array based on the given start and end numbers. map array v13.0.7 Creates a new array with the results of the provided function on every element in the array. filter by value array v12.0.7 Returns an array of all items not matching the given value. remove from bottom of array array v13.0.7 removes the last element from an array and returns that removed element duplicate item array v10.4.28 Duplicates a given item of the array. get random item value v10.4.28 Returns a random item from a array using crypto.randomInt. switch array v10.4.28 returns an array based of the given expression. find by key - value array v10.4.28 Returns the matching objects for the given key value pair. find by field exists array v10.4.28 Returns the matching objects of they include the given field. with values array v12.0.6 Returns an array of values empty array v10.4.28 Returns an empty array. with dates array v10.4.28 null with arrays array v10.4.28 Returns an array with arrays with numbers array v12.0.6 Returns an array of numbers. select fields array v10.4.28 Filters all other fields from the objects in this array. every condition v12.0.7 Tests whether all elements in the array pass the test flat map array v10.4.28 Executes the provided function on every element in the array and returns as a flat array. filter empty array v10.4.28 Returns an array of all non-empty items. Empty is defined as: null or undefined. some condition v12.0.7 Tests whether at least one element in the array passes the test concat array v10.4.28 Returns a joined array of two or more arrays. grouped step matching by field array v12.0.7 Returns all matching objects for the given key-value pair in groups in steps ([A, A, A, B, B, A, C, C, C] becomes => [(A, A, A), (B, B), (A), (C, C, C)]). filter array v10.4.28 Returns an array for each item that returns true on the executed function. some (value) condition v12.0.7 tests whether at least one element in the array passes the test sum on field number v10.4.28 Returns the total sum of the given field within the array of objects. add to bottom of array array v10.4.28 Adds your given value to your given array. min number v10.4.28 Returns the lowest number in the given array of numbers. if array v10.4.28 Conditional branching for arrays (if.. then.. else..). length number v10.4.28 Returns the total length of the given array. count unique values on field number v10.4.28 Returns the number of unique items for the given field and its values. transpose object v10.4.28 Transposes the given array of objects to an object with (key: sum). match min on field array v10.4.28 Returns all objects that have a number equal to or bigger than the given number aggregation buckets to flat array array v9.2.15 Converts aggregation buckets to a flat array of objects. flatten array v10.6.1 Accepts a nested array and returns a flattened array. get at index value v10.4.28 returns the index at which a given element can be found in the array, or -1 if it is not present swap array v10.4.28 null splice array v10.4.28 Removes an item from your given array. slice array v10.4.28 returns a shallow copy of a portion of an array into a new array object selected from start to end get first item value v10.4.28 Get the first item from the array. join value v12.0.0 Creates and returns a new string by concatenating all of the elements in this array, separated by void if none provided reverse array v10.4.28 Reverses the order of elements in the given array. divide by field array v13.0.8 Returns an array with each item divided for the provided key multiply by field array v13.0.8 Returns an array with each item multiplied for the provided key remove multiple indexes array v13.0.8 Removes the items with the given indexes. filter removed array v13.0.8 Filters out all removed documents. map and parse array v10.4.28 Takes an array with strings and parses every item. remove from top of array array v13.0.7 removes the first element from an array and returns that removed element
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